Ch.2:I'm gonna regret this...

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Toono's POV
I really shouldn't have brought her here on her first day. I hear laughing from behind me an it was her brothers. Oh for fucks sake I'm so dead if they see her in here with naked boy over here. I push her out the room an shut the door. Everyone looks at me like I'm stupid. I whisper to them "she has brothers that go here if they see this idiot completely naked they will kill us". They look at me and laugh but then again the didn't know her brothers so they wouldn't understand. They will hurt anyone they see as a threat to their little sister. I ignore the idiots laughing and listen in on the conversation through the door. They were talking about something that happened at home... She does have some real problems at home.

After a while they left and thank god they did. I opened the door and Mizuki was looking at me upset. "Why did you do that you jerk!?" She says as she punches my shoulder. "Do you want your brothers to kill me!?" She laughed and said"it's ok I won't let them kill you but the others.... maybe""OH God I swear you are the definition of a angel of darkness" she giggles and then Kashima comes in an bumps into her"Sorry I didn't see you there" She looks up at him and I notice the mischievous twinkle in her eyes....She smiles "It's fine don't worry about it. Also what's your name?""My names Yuu Kashima, and you are?""I'm Mizuki one of Toono's only friends""Oh I see. It's nice to meet you" he said as he smiled." Hey I have other friends too!" I yell out objecting to her statement. She looked at me in disbelief" You probably on have two other friends here which may be Kashima and some other kid and that's it." She says. Well then again she isn't wrong....

And just when I thought things couldn't get worse Akemi then says"Well actually Mizuki our dear Toono and Kashima are actually dating" mischievously smiling."Really?" she said in an interested tone."Ughh..."I said as quietly as possible so the others wouldn't hear and get suspicious. Kashima didn't say anything but for some reason actually looked kinda sad... Honestly I don't like seeing him sad but I don't know why tho..."Nevermind that your brothers go here too?" i said. She looked at me kinda confused-ish" yeah they do i thought you knew?"No i didn't""OH sorry I must have forgot to tell you but they have been going here fo over 3 years but i don't think they have ever heard of this club"" Hopefully not".She giggled and rolled her eyes"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you my mom is not gonna be home for a good week or 2 so wanna stay at my house tonight you can also bring Kashima and another person if you want...?""um... yeah sure i will bring Yaguchi too i guess."She smiled"Ok then see you we will meet after school."

~After School~

"So why did you want to meet after school Takashi?" Yaguchi asked. "Oh my friend wanted us to stay at her house and this friend i can't exactly say no too"I shrug. Kashima gets over to us and seems better than earlier today."Hey guys sorry I took a minute i was getting scolded by the teacher for not finishing this week's homework"He giggles nervously. I laughed a bit and smiled" Don't worry you're not the only one that is late we have been waiting here for a good 20 minutes before you got here.. I wonder what is taking Mizuki so-"" Hey guys sorry to keep you waiting i was trying to avoid pinky and blue hair over there"" Well at least they didn't get you" Kashima says knowing what they could do to Mizuki, we both shiver at just the thought of it. " Well let's go" She says as she gets on her phone and calls Caston.

Hey Guys i hope you guys liked this part. And also if the parts are too short let me know and i will work on making longer parts.

A girl in an all boys school!?(Yarichin b1tch club fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora