Tortured Souls

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There once was a mighty and powerful heroine. She stopped evil from all over Japan. 

But one particular powerful supervillain defeated her. 

Many Years before her death and defeat, she had fallen in love. 

The son was neglected for she feared he would die from her enemies like his father. 

A hatred of heroes blossomed deep inside his soul. When he had fallen in love with a fair lady, she bore him two children. 

He made it clear to his children that any mention of a love of heroes was not allowed. 

But, nothing could stop the youngest's deep passion for heroes, until he manifested his quirk.

 The quirk itself was incredibly strong, dangerous in the wrong hands. 

The powerful villain found that the heroine had a family but what really caught his eye was the youngest. 

With a powerful quirk and the blood of the powerful heroine running through his veins, the villain put together a scheme, a plan to insult the successor and student of the heroine, All Might. 

That evening, the family was slaughtered. All but for the youngest. 

Horrified, he watched his sister getting killed. He tried to fight back but it was useless. 

The villain tried to break him, to force him to become the next symbol of fear and chaos. But he never could. 

One day, the door opened, and a man made of mist was thrown in. He was distrustful of the man at first but eventually warmed up to him. 

The man turned out to be a failed nomu, as he remembered his previous life, that of a hero in training at the prestigious U.A. hero school.

They became great friends, and  many years of torture and pain passed by.

That is the story of Tenko or Tomura Shimura and "Kurogiri"

My Hero Academia belongs to Kohei Horikoshi 

Some of the plot particularly the majority of Tenko's backstory belongs to Amilsais

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