Time To Strike Back!

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As the Ten Warriors and their allies arrived on Sodor, everyone was horrified as soon as they saw their surroundings!

Mr. Johnson:(shocked)Oh no! What happened to our beautiful Earth?!

Ciel:(frowned)Theodore Osborn must have decided to conquer the world earlier because we're not on Sodor!

Cherry:(sadly)This is all my fault, if I didn't make us leave Sodor behind, none of this would have happened!

Gordon:(sweetly)It's not your fault, Cherry, you and your friends left Sodor to save our allies, you have done nothing wrong.

Just then, a citizen ran towards them with fear!

Citizen:(frightened)Ten Warriors, you have to help us!

Erica:(shocked)What happened, my friend?

Citizen:(looked at Erica)What happened?! Theodore Osborn and his army had invaded Sodor and the whole Earth!

As soon as Cherry transformed the submarine into a camper van again, everyone climbed on board, including the citizen that found them, whose name is Barry Jordan, however, when they walked into the interior of Topham Hall, they were all shocked when they realized the mansion was a complete mess.

Sir Topham Hatt:(frightened)What on earth is happening?!

Lady Hatt:(ran out of a large cupboard, where she was hiding)Oh honey, thank goodness you're okay!(hugged Sir Topham Hatt)

Sir Topham Hatt:(hugged Lady Hatt)Where are mum(Dowager Hatt)and Lowham
(Sir Lowham Hatt is Sir Topham Hatt's twin brother.)?

Lady Hatt:(in tears)They...they're both captured by a group of gangsters, I managed to hide in that cupboard before they could notice and capture me!(Everyone gasped in horror)

Perry:(to everyone with determination):Come on everyone, let's time to strike back for the world!(Everyone, including Lady Hatt, left Topham Hall by taking the camper van)

While our heroes were on their way, in his domain on Sodor, Theodore Osborn was suffering a serious headache and depression, but the evil man had no idea why, was something horrible troubling him? Could someone or something help him? He didn't know or remember. All he wanted to do now is to get rid of those whoever stands in his way.

Theodore Osborn:(with headache)Ugh! What is happening to me?! I have tried all sorts of medicine, and even the cure potion, but none of them works! Is it really that hard to find out the root of my headache?!(The gangsters and the diesels simply looked at each other, Theodore Osborn didn't remember his horrible and tragic childhood was the root of this problem.)

It didn't take very long for the Ten Warriors and their allies to track down the location of Theodore Osborn's gang.

Cherry:(looked at her driver screen)According to the screen, Theodore Osborn's new domain is...(gasped in horror)Ulfstead Castle?!(everyone gasped)

Sir Robert Norramby:(weeping and wiping his tears)When...when is he(i.e. Theodore Osborn)going to stop? He...he must be holding Stephen(the Rocket), Millie and Glynn hostage!(Sir Topham Hatt and Mr. Nathan began to comfort him)

Erica:(looking at her tablet)According to the GPS on my tablet, Theodore Osborn and his army are at the castle...the whole time?(Cherry stopped driving and everyone looked at Erica's tablet)And according to the camera, he was having some sort of...uh...headache?(Everyone looked at each other, because they were not sure if it's true or not)

Meanwhile, all the other engines(except Gordon and Emily, because they're with the Ten Warriors)were still trapped in their animal forms and locked up in the prison cells, feeling cold, lonely and miserable.

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