finger painting-chapter 10

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You come undone around his fingers, Marcus's tongue retreating after pushing you over the edge, his eyes on your face, smiling at the pleasure he's given you. Your body shudders twice before relaxing into pure bliss. Marcus climbs up onto the bed next to you so you are facing each other as you turn onto your side. "That was hot," he says staring into your eyes. You take a deep breath before laughing, "That was the first time I've ever done that."

"What? That's the first time someone's gone down on you?" Marcus asks, a surprised tone to his voice. "Yeah," you reply shyly, "and the first time I've had an orgasm." Marcus grins, "Well, I'm glad it was with me." He brings his hand to your face, brushing a piece of loose hair behind your ear. You could lay here forever, you think to yourself. You're so at peace, and he is comforting to be with.

"Do you think I could get some water?" you ask, sitting up slightly. "Oh, yeah," he says, "I'll be right back." He gets off the bed and walks out, presumably to the kitchen. You get up and find your clothes, getting dressed. As intimate as what you just did was, you feel vulnerable lying naked with him. Marcus walks back in, two water bottles in hand, "The sun went down. Do you want to go outside and finish our paintings?" You nod. He puts his shirt back on before leading the way out of his room, downstairs, and out to the backyard.

"Give me one sec," he says, smiling and walking around behind the treehouse, "Ready?!"

You shout back, "What am I supposed to be ready for?" As soon as you say that, all these twinkling lights come to life above you. It's like something out of a fairytale. It's so whimsical and charming. "Oh, my God... it's so pretty," you say, looking up at the lights. This backyard has the best vibes. "I thought you'd like it," Marcus says, walking past you to his easel.

You both get to work on finishing your paintings. You don't have much left that you want to add to yours so you catch yourself simply watching him concentrate and use different brush strokes. He bites his lip sometimes and takes a step back, evaluating his work. He tilts his head just barely to one side and sometimes one eyebrow will crinkle. You've know him for 24 hours, yet you're smitten. He's adorable in one way, yet completely fuckable in another. You feel a rush of blood to your thighs, imaging what you want to do with him, getting  turned on just thinking about it. You already want more. Just as your mind starts to wander, Marcus announces that he's finished with his painting, "I think I'm done."

"Me too," you reply, walking over to him but not peeking at his canvas. "May I?" You ask. "Yeah, but let's do it at the same time," he says while walking over to your painting. "On the count of three... one, two, three..." he says before looking at your dark purple painting, "Wow!"

You gasp when you see his, astonished at his talent. The sky blue is stunning, and it actually looks like you. It's incredible, creating a lump in your throat. "Marcus, this is beautiful," you say, pointing at his canvas. He walks over to you, "Well, so was my subject." He leans down to kiss you on the lips, slowing backing away to stare into your eyes, "I really like you, Hallie."

"I really like you too," you tell him.

"Yours is really cool, by the way. I bet the dark purple was a challenging color, but it looks tight. Very minimal." He comments on your painting and you shrug, "It's okay," you say, "I've definitely done better."

Marcus reaches for his phone, checking his home screen. "What time is it?" you ask. "Huh? Like 9:06," he replies. "My mom will be home around ten," you inform him. "Can we leave these here to dry or...?" Marcus says that's fine, distracted by his phone. You don't want to be nosy so you walk up the ladder stairs to the treehouse and sit on the edge of the railing, looking up at the stars that have come out. It's a perfect summer night. You can feel the breeze blowing the tendrils of hair framing your face back into place. You take a deep breath, enjoying the night. Your phone buzzes so you take it out of the waistband of your shorts and see a message from... Marcus? You look down at him and see him smiling up at you. You shake your head and open the message to see a picture of you right where you are, sitting on the railing. Your eyes are closed and your head is tilted toward the sky so the moon illuminates your face. It's a beautiful photo.

Marcus shrugs, "I couldn't resist." You hop off the railing, making your way down to the ground again. "I love it," you say shyly. "Me too", Marcus says, showing you his phone background with the same photo.

You walk over to your paintings and take a picture of both, "Do you care if I post this on Insta?" "Not at all," replies Marcus while reaching into his pocket, "Hey, Hallie, come here," he says, gesturing for you to walk toward him, "I think you have something on your face!" He says this while swiping his pointer finger on the tip of your nose, leaving a streak of blue paint. You immediately reach up and get some of the paint on your finger and swipe at his cheek. Nailed it! A blue streak cuts across his cheekbone to his upper lip. You stick your tongue out while Marcus charges toward you, and you start to run from him. You're both laughing and he catches you, picking you up and putting you over his shoulder, spinning you both around. He sets you down and you steady your phone in your hand, turning the camera on. "Say cheese!" Marcus tilts his head against yours and smiles big, and you snap the photo. "Can I tag you in it?" You ask, looking up at him from your phone. "I don't do social media," he replies. "Oh, how broody of you!" You tease him and arrange the photo of the paintings around the selfie of you both. You caption it, "you have something on your face" and post it, putting your phone away.

"Want me to walk you home?" Marcus asks. You nod and follow him through the backyard and across the street to your house. "I had a lot of fun today," he says, standing in front of your front door, "and send me that picture." You tell him you will and wait, expecting him to lean down and kiss you goodnight, but he doesn't and the moment of silence stretches on for too long, "Well, g'night," you say, turning and walking into your house. "Night, Hallie," he says, turning around and walking back to his house. What the hell?

You run up to your bedroom, overthinking the moment. Did I say or do something weird? You were having such a good night and then he acted so closed off. You walk over to your bedroom window but see that his room is dark and the curtains are drawn shut.

Only Yours - Ginny and Georgia | Marcus BakerWhere stories live. Discover now