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Awooga I love this ship sm

The Italian man burrowed his head in his arms. He couldn't sleep and it was well-passed midnight. Plus his lover was right next to him, so he couldn't get up without waking the Count up. Oh, how he wished he had a bottle of Tequila. Even the Barmaid's Dovlin would hit the spot. Just any form of alcohol. But he knew even if he could get past Joseph, Yihdra would probably get in the Frenchman's dreams and try to tell him something. Yes, he loved his partner dearly. But he could be... A little bit rude sometimes. For instance, he won't let Antonio drink. Maybe he could at least get a hug from the man... He turned around to see that Joseph was... Gone? Well, he wasn't too concerned because nobody can leave this manor. He walked out the door and into the kitchen to see... Joseph on the floor... With a bottle of whiskey in his hand. When the white-haired man saw his boyfriend, his face immediately lightened up.

"Oh, hey, 'Tonio~" Joseph slurred.
"il mio amore...?" Antonio asked with a puzzled look.
Joseph limped over to The Violinist, with Antonio having to catch his mister.

"Oh, you look s-stunning, mon chéri..." Joseph said in-between hiccups.
"As do you, mia amata, but why are you up so late? And why are you drinking?"
"A-Awh, c'mon! You're always drinking at this time! Why ca-can't I have some fun t-too?"
The dark-eyed man sighed and said, "Yes, I know that, but I'm asking why you are drinking this late. It isn't like you."
Joseph looked at the bottle that was lying next to him. "He used to play the violin too."

'Who was this "he"?' Antonio asked himself.
"He also died way too soon. He left me. He left me with no spirit. Until I met you." Joseph said while looking directly into Antonio's eyes. He got up and hugged his lover. He knew they would never leave, yet he was okay with that. He would spend however long with the most lovely person he has ever met. His spirit died along with Claude. He lost all motivation and happiness.

When he came to this manor, he only got worse. People bullying him for fleeing France, moping, or his height. Everyone seemed to hate him until Antonio Paganini arrived. Oh, how he loved that man. But he did wish that he didn't come to the manor, being as he could've lived a very happy and successful life. But Joseph was glad that Antonio decided to come. He loves this man and never will stop loving him.

"Do... Do you mean Clau-" Antonio started to say.
"Oui," Joseph said with a deadpan expression.
"I... I'm sorry about him, love. I truly wish I could bring him-"
"Everyone does. You're not the first to have said this, ma chérie-no offense."
Antonio looked down, a little bit of embarrassment plastered on his face.
"No, no, I apologize, amore." The pale man said while cupping the photographer's face. He missed these times. Where he got to spend some quality time with his companion. Joseph blushed a deep crimson when looking into his mate's eyes.
Antonio sighed and leaned forward to kiss the man in front of him. Joseph, who was frozen like a statue, just sat there and let Antonio pepper his face with kisses.
"Now, love, why don't we get back to our room? It's pretty late." The Violinist said, still looking at Joseph directly in the eye.
"J-Je suppose que ce s-serait une bonne idée-e... " The Desaulniers managed to say.

Maybe they were stuck in this godforsaken manor. Maybe they would stay there for an eternity. Maybe they would be made fun of for being two men in love.

But they had each other.

And that's all the matters.

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