Chapter twoº‖That day we met‖º

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Hey guys sorry for not updating(school -_-)But here's the part two hope u like :D


Dream walked for what seemed like hours looking for his friends, but there was no sight of them anywhere. He decided to ask a worker if they've seen two short, dark hired idiots. But just as he was looking for someone he saw Sapnap and Karl.

"I've been looking for you guys everywhere." Dream said as he walks over to them. They had a bunch of things in their hands, "Did you get anything?" Sapnap asked "Nah, didn't see anything I liked." Dream responded "K you need to go grocery shopping, right?" Karl asked as dream responded with a "Yep"

--*time skip*--

Dream was a home getting ready for his first day of high school(guys I'm not in high school... yet, so I have no idea what happens in high school soo yea...)

He wore blue jeans, a black hoodie with a white smiley face on the front with black convers. He walked into the kitchen and severed himself some cereal when he got text

798-344-0254(not a real phone number idiots.)


Dream looked at the text. He thought of actually responding to the text thinking they got the wrong number



who is this?


My name is not relevant


I think you have the wrong number then


No. I'm sure I have the right number.


Who is this person, and how does he know his name? Dream decided to ignore this person and start heading to school.

--->at school<---

Dream put his stuff in his locker when someone out of no where closed his locker door. He turned around to see two tall boys he recognized. One had pink hair that was cut up two his shoulder and put up into a ponytail.(Technoblade~ problem there no is not) The other boy had black hair that was cut up to his ear.(J-schlatt + 🍺= stroke)

Dream had hoped that they would have gone to another high school. They were the bully's in middle school, bulled everyone even the teachers. Techno was more physical while Schlatt just flirted with everyone and made rude comments.

"Hey sexy, want to go to a party?" Schlatt said looking at Dream in his dark. green. eyes-


"What! Come on"

"I said no Schlatt-"

"There'll be alcohol and some drugs~"

Dream didn't really want to go but he couldn't resist drugs so...

"Ok fine-"

"Ha! Pay up Techno!" Dream looked at an annoyed Technoblade handing a excited Schlatt money

"Alright, Its a date then Dream, I'll pick you up at nine" Schlatt said while bowing down to Dream

"Its not a date." Dream scoffed and walked to class


At lunch dream and his friends all went and sat at their table with their food

"Hey guys! Look at how this dude is dressed!"

Dream and his friends all turn to look at this kid wearing a blue crop top with a black skirt and some calf high black socks with checkered Vans(Cute :])

While everyone laughed, Dream got a closer look at the boy's face. He had light brown hair with white glasses atop his head, beautiful hazelnut eyes, and lips that looked like the colour peach, they looked so soft. Dream had a dust of pink on his face, the boy looked perfect, but soon he was broke away from his thoughts as the brunet's eyes met his

--+George's pov+--(still in third person)

George's first day of school was the worst, his first day and everyone was already laughing at him except for a few but one in particular caught his eye. This tall dirty blond with dark green eyes that were looking back at him and freckles that where sprinkled on his cheeks, he was hot. George flushed a Dark pink and ran to the exit door.

---End of chapter two---

wow ok so this chapter is way shorter then the first one but ay at lest something happened. Anyway I hope you enjoyed I will try and upload a chapter every once a week so yea ill try no promises tho.

Hope you have a nice morning/afternoon/night and drink water! Byebye :]

~487 words~

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