Democracy please!

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Chapter 18

The five friends stayed up past 12 am in the morning talking about how they are going to persuade the council to change the Earth Kingdom into a democracy. The council changed the date to tomorrow so they had to plan what they would say to them. They fell asleep around 1:30 in the morning. Bolin fell asleep on the floor, Wu and Asami fell asleep on different chairs, and Mako fell asleep on the couch with Korra in his arms.

Bolin wakes up first and yawns then stretches. He then notices the time of day. " GUYSS!!!"

Asami is the second to wake up. " What... Bolin?" She then yawns.

Bolin " What time are we supposed to meet the council?"

Wu wakes up then answers his question. " 2 in the afternoon."

Bolin " Well it's 12 RIGHT NOW!!!"

Mako jumps throwing Korra off his body onto the floor. " WHATT!?! WE NEED TO MOVE!!!"

Korra rubs her head. " Gee thanks Mako, thanks for being my catapult!"

Mako " Sorry sweetie."

Wu " No need for sweet talk we need to get moving we have two hours till we have to meet up with the council. Does anyone remember what we discussed last or this morning?"

Asami "No because my mind is pretty fuzzy."

Bolin " The alcohol beverage thingy."

Wu " It was so small I didn't think we would forget much last night."

Mako " Apparently we did look at this mess." The royal living room was trashed. Pillows on floor, a table on its side, and the couch was not straight.

Korra still sitting on the floor. " Well I guess we all had fun last night." They all laugh.

Wu " Well let's clean this up." No guards were around and they didn't want them to know. After they cleaned up they all cleaned themselves up for the meeting. They finished up and were on time. It was about 1:45 and they had 15 minutes to get to the planning room. They all walked down the long bright green hallway to the planning room. There were pictures off the past members of the council down the hallway. Their names and dates they joined were underneath their pictures.

They came up to the big doors. They walked in and saw the council members.

" Finally you showed up... we started to think you called this meeting for no reason." The tall earthbender said.

Wu " Nice to see you again Kyvak and Lenno, Jin, Tei, and Ying. These are my friends Mako, Asami, Bolin and the Avatar Korra." The men were all young and had similar green uniforms on.

Ying " The Avatar! Who knew the next Avatar would show up here again."

Lenno passes his hand through his dark brown hair. " Don't get to excited she caused a mess in the past... but I admire you saved the world from Kuvira, that took some courage and bravery."

Jin " It's nice to meet the Avatar."

Tei " Let's get this meeting started my kids are expecting me home early tonight."

Kyvak " Tei is right... lets get this started." The ten sit at the grand long table with a map of the whole Earth Kingdom on it and pins all over it. " So what's the topic Wu."

Wu " It's Prince Wu to you and I've been thinking the Earth Kingdom should be able to have its citizens vote for a leader they think is right for office. They should have a say like in Republic City."

Kyvak bangs his fist on the table. " But Prince Wu you would like to change the Earth Kingdom into a... a democracy?"

Jin " Oh if we do I have the greatest name..."

Kyvak " What then?"

Jin " Uh... I forgot anyways continue."

Mako " Changing the government to a democracy would give the citizens more freedom instead ruled by the crown."

Tei " Yes..."

Lenno " Perfect idea!"

Ying " I agree! Giving the citizens a say."

Jin " I love this idea. Finally a break from the throne."

Kyvak " But don't you want to be king sir?"

Wu " Of course I do! But for the good of the people I think they should choose a new President who they think is right for the job."

Kyvak puts his hand on his head sighing. " Alright all in favor?"
They all raise their hands. " Ok you win. We can change the government from Monarch to Democracy."
Team Avatar and Wu cheer.

Wu " Thank you Kyvak."

Kyvak " I'll be getting to the papers... uh papers." And he groans and walks off out of the room. The others follow him out waving and bowing goodbye to Team Avatar and last known Prince Wu.

Asami " This is great! Now the people will have more freedom rather then being ruled by a King or Queen." The 5 friends leave the room and go to the grand hall for lunch.

Wu " Bring our finest dishes and utensils we are celebrating tonight!"
He started busting out some weird dance moves. " Thank you guys so much... I couldn't have done it without you."

Korra " We really persuaded Kyvak."

Wu " He will go with anything as long as the rest of the council is fine with it." His servants bring out the finest dishes and platers and they eat lunch. After they eat, they go down to the service center to deliver the message to everyone in Ba Sing Se.

Receptor " Oh Prince Wu what a pleasant surprise to see you here... again. Did you convince the council?"

Wu " Actually yes I did but I had some help. Now I would like to give a message to the entire Ba Sing Se."

Bolin " What about the other parts of the Earth Kingdom?"

Wu " Bolin my friend I'll send out a letter saying blah anyways lets get to the fun part delivering my message!"

Receptor " Ok one second." He presses some buttons and turns on the microphone. He nods his head and moves aside.

Wu " Hello it's Prince Wu. I have some great news to deliver. Ok... I've decided to change our government from a monarchy to a democracy. Call me crazy but I believe that you all will live easier with someone who you believe is right for the job. Without being ruled by the crown. I've already talked to the council about it and they decided it was a great idea to have you guys have a say in what you want. Well... that's it thank you and have a good evening." His friends clap for his wonderful speech.

Mako " Good job."

Asami " So what should we do now?"

Wu " Explore Walk around town?"
They all nod and walk out of the service office as the sunset in the distance.

It's kinda funny cuz I feel like not continuing the story only cuz I don't like some parts I wrote but I can just change it but that's mad work but I would never give up on you guys.

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