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I'm sorry about that reference -^ that was bad. Sorry.

1: Full name

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1: Full name.
My full name be Water Potato Girl...
My second name is Faith...
My last name is secret ;)

2: Zodiac sign.
Scorpio and apparently I'm "ascendant" Sagittarius...

3: 3 Fears.
Second place: losing someone I love
First place: geese/ducks

4: 3 things I love.
Last place: books
Second place: myself
First place: my lil sis ( ˘ ³˘)♥

5: 4 turn on's.
Last place: doesn't exist
Third place: doesn't exist
Second place: doesn't exist
First place: you have to be exactly like me or exactly like every perfect fictional character ever-

6: 4 turn off's.
Last place: doesn't exist
Third place: doesn't exist
Second place: doesn't exist
First place: if you're not exactly like me or exactly like every perfect fictional character ever-

7: My best friend?
Me own self 🙋🏼‍♀️

8: Sexual orientation?
Straight... No wait I'm a straight ally!

9: My best first date?
Once upon a time, there was a little nine year old girl who opened a magical book. Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone was her first real date ever 💖

10: How tall am I?
163 cm
5'4 ft

11: What do I miss?
America 🥺✨
It's the second year in a row we don't go visit in the summer 😢

12: What time was I born?
7 am 🌅

13: Favorite color?
Third place: blue
Second place: ultramarine blue
First place: black

14: Do I have a crush?
Yes... Their name is Book and they're like everything you'd want in someone and I think they kinda like me back and I wanna show you a picture of them but I think they would think that's weird-

15: Favorite quote?
Do not go gentle into that night, rage, rage against the dying of the light

16: Favorite place?

17: Favorite food?
Last place: Corn
Third place: Churros
Second place: Cornetti with zucchini and cheeseeeeeee (italian stuff ofc)
First place: enchiladas ✨✨✨

18: Do I use sarcasm?
Are you kidding? It's like the only language I would win an Oscar for-

19: What am I listening to right now?
I'm in my PE online class...

20: First thing I notice in a new person?
How they act around me ofc (like if they're shy like me or outgoing. Trust me, that says it all)

21: Shoe size?
Umm... It's a 38 in italy and like an 8 or 8,5 in the US

22: Eye color?
Lemme just-

22: Eye color?Lemme just-

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23: Hair color?
How italians see it: blonde
How americans see it: light brown
How I see it: dark blonde

24: Favorite style of clothing?
During online school: pajamas with a shirt underneath in case I need my camera on
During in person school: usually black. Dark tights or jeans plus whatever shirt underneath the same black hoodie for one week...
At home: literally whatever
Outside: literally whatever
Favorite style tho is black or shorts plus a hoodie (black hoodie ofc) I hate dresses, skirts, and jackets...

25: Ever done a prank call?

26: What color of underwear I'm wearing now?
UhHh.... White

27: Meaning behind my URL?
Ohh like... My penname? Water? Yeah I chose water bc
1) My old one when I was little was E-Reader... Which was very stupid and the worst play on words ever 🤦🏼‍♀️
2) It's my favorite element and I'm a daughter of Poseidon

28: Favorite movie?
(This isn't accurate ok?)
Last place: umm... Love Victor (ik it's a tv series i don't care lmpo Venji forever)
Third place: Inception
Second place: LOTR
First place: Spiderman Homecoming

29: Favorite song?
(Current favorites; will change)
Last place: American Idiot
Second place: Flightless Bird, American Mouth
Trust place: I Lived

30: Favorite band?
Last place: Green Day
Second place: Iron & Wine
First place: One Republic

31: How I feel right now?
Super bored, super done with school bc it's so boring, otherwise chill

32: Someone I love.
My little sister 😍❤️❤️😍😍❤️❤️

33: My current relationship status.
#foreversingle #adoringtomholland

34: My relationship with my parents.
Pretty chill ✌🏽 i hide stuff from them ofc bc what teenager doesn't, and i don't just tell them whatever comes to my mind. Also my dad is super strict and literally would punish us for leaving crumbs on the floor... Good thing there's my mom 😏🥰

35: Favorite holiday.
Xmas ofc... Bc it's so cozy and warm... And i get to see all my family :)

36: Tattoos and piercings I have.
I have two ear piercings and that's it. I want more of them and as for tattoos... I would totally do it but like I'd design my own :P my mom was super punky when she was younger... Ig i get it from her lmpo

37: Tattoos and piercings I want.
See #36

38: The reason I joined Tumblr.
I didn't

39: Last book I read?
The Song Of Achilles 🤤🤤😍😍🤩🤩💯💯
Highly recommend btw
patrochilles fOrEvAh 🥺💖

40: Do I ever get "good morning" or "good night" texts?

41: Have I ever kissed the last person I texted?
That would be the daughter of family friends, and no I've never even kissed her in a sisterly way
I go along with her brother better anyway ;)

42: When did I last hold hands?
With who...? Ig it was Sunday when I went on a walk with my little sister and was holding her hand...

43: How long does it take me do get ready in the morning?
I wake up at 7:20 am and leave the house at 8:10 but at 7:40 I've finished getting ready

44: Have I shaved my legs in the past three days?
I've never shaved my legs in my entire life because my hairs are super light and I also don't care about what people think about me... I literally go to school in shorts...

45: Where am I right now?
At my desk, dabbing bc my physics prof is dumb and always has problems with sound and in general with the online lessons so I should be doing physics but she ended the call >:)

46: If I was drunk and can't stand, who's taking care of me?
I'm never gonna be drunk
Also I don't think I'll like alcoholic drinks

47: Do I like music loud or at a reasonable level?
Are you kidding? Being the introvert I am I'm always scared that people can hear me through the earplugs... Absolutely low volume...


(Pls tag me when u do them :) )

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