I Tag You 3000 Repost

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Because I'm Watty-dead and because the previous one is outdated XD

1: Full name.
Water (online name)
Rain {a nice name}
Eleon [my irl name made into an enby name]
Elijah |a name my parents can call me when I'm out to them... Cough...|

2: Zodiac sign.

3: 3 Fears.
Geese/ducks, losing someone i love, idk

4: 3 things I love.
Art, books, my little sister

5: 4 turn on's.
Don't exist 🤣

6: 4 turn off's.
If you're dumb.

7: My best friend?
Idk if my two friends from school count ngl

8: Sexual orientation?
I'm asexual, bi and non binary 😎 (lmao pls in the last one i was still straight XD)

9: My best first date?
|Camping under the stars and talking until two am about random things-|

10: How tall am I?
164 cm
5'5 ft

11: What do I miss?
America 🥺✨
It's the second year in a row we don't go visit in the summer 😢
(To be honest this hasn't changed but we're going this year!!!!)
Also, reading a very good book. I just miss that. It's beautiful

12: What time was I born? 
7 am 🌅

13: Favorite color?
Black and ultramarine blue

14: Do I have a crush?
Well- it's not a crush- I just like being around him... And I barely see him 🤣

15: Favorite quote?
"And my soul may set in darkness, but it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night."

"When everything on this planet is gone, I will watch the universe die; it will be beautiful."

"He fell as gently as a tree falls. There was not even any sound…"

"Do not go gentle into that dark night; rage, rage against the dying of the light."

16: Favorite place?

17: Favorite food?
Cheesy garlic bread and enchiladas 😍

18: Do I use sarcasm?
Hahahahhaha nooooooo

19: What am I listening to right now?
The bloody clock is ticking and it's driving me crazy

20: First thing I notice in a new person?
Idk if they're shy or immediately like "yooooo besties eyy"
In which case i can't like them XD

21: Shoe size?
38/39 in Italy... like a 6/6,5 maybe

22: Eye color?
I think it's hazel, but depending on the light they either be very bright so you can see green, or dark haha

23: Hair color?
Idk dark blond/light brown whatever

24: Favorite style of clothing?
Ok, i usually wear the same black Rick & Morty oversized hoodie plus sweatpants (i love sweatpants) every single day, plus gortex Converse or docs. BUT i loooooveee me a fancy shirt with a collar or like poofy black turtleneck plus a collar corset thing over it- i love it periodt.

25: Ever done a prank call?

26: What color of underwear I'm wearing now?
Idk my pajama is one piece and i can't be bothered to remove it to check XD

27: Meaning behind my URL?
For the last time
1) Water is my favorite element
2) I love swimming and the ocean
3) I'm a child of Poseidon (tbh Apollo but shh)
4) My first username was LikeWaterAndFire
5) It's become my brand and it's really non binary so I'm keeping it

28: Favorite movie?
To this day, since I saw it, it's always been Inception. It's amazing alright? I just can't. But other than that it'll be the last two HP movies, and LOTR

29: Favorite song?
I'm really into soft acoustic guitar songs now, like Flatsound and Tiny Little Houses. Really love Sleeping At Last and Wilbur Soot and Sufjan Stevens <3
some favorites rn are Places We Won't Walk, by Bruno Major; Fix You, by Coldplay; I Exist I Exist I Exist, by Flatsound; Fourth Of July, by Sufjan Stevens

30: Favorite band?
Idk... Lovejoy? Or Green Day. Or One Republic? Or Imagine Dragons, they're a classic. OH NO it's Coldplay absolutely

31: How I feel right now?
Kinda chill
Little bit fed up with school
Get tired of socializing after a while in class
But it's Sunday so I'm chill

32: Someone I love.
My little sister 😍❤️❤️😍😍❤️❤️

33: My current relationship status.
Idk I'm always questioning my many other statuses that i don't have time to think about relationship status XD

34: My relationship with my parents.
It's alright, my dad drives me crazy as usual but it's cool

35: Favorite holiday.
Xmas is so warm and cozy and lovely

36: Tattoos and piercings I have.
I have two piercings in my ears. But i realized i want like a nose one or even an eyebrow one, and my mom says to wait till I'm older for nose ones coz they can get really hard to handle (she has one idk). Tattoos... Idk... I would definitely do one if it didn't hurt so much XD maybe like a tiny one haha (and i would design it)

37: Tattoos and piercings I want.
See #36

38: The reason I joined Tumblr.
I kinda did at some point but removed it. I have too many socials between Discord, Twitter, Reddit, Twitch, Tik Tok, Pinterest (and Instagram but i don't do anything on it) so i guess handling Tumblr is too much XD

39: Last book I read?
Umm... Crooked Kingdom 🥺🥺🥺 it was very nice and sad and pretty and badass-
Now I'm reading King of Scars

40: Do I ever get "good morning" or "good night" texts?

41: Have I ever kissed the last person I texted?
What, like, my group chat with the two aforementioned friends from class? Haha.

42: When did I last hold hands?
Dunno. No one prolly

43: How long does it take me do get ready in the morning?
I wake up at 6:40 am and leave the house at 7:10 hahahaha XD  I'm fast but like a procrastinator while doing it

44: Have I shaved my legs in the past three days?
I never shave my legs- my mom did it in like June last year so I'll let her do it again for summer. But i just never do in winter, and why should i? It's not like anyone sees under my pants. |That sounded weird-|

45: Where am I right now?
I- sitting on a pillow on the floor in a sliver of sunlight from my window because it's 9 am and cold

46: If I was drunk and can't stand, who's taking care of me?
I don't think I'll ever be is the thing. Like, i don't wanna be that person, but i honestly don't think i will ever drink in my life 🤷🏼

47: Do I like music loud or at a reasonable level?
Depends on the song. If it's a song i like i raise it but if I'm around people it's going down hahaha

Aight now you can do it or something, i don't care XD

(Idk why this isn't in my tag book sh)

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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