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Fate is a funny thing

Some people believe that everything happens for reason

And that our whole lives are planned out

Others like to believe we have free will

And that future is constantly changing

I like to believe everything happens for reason

And that every evil person has some good in them

In Greek mythology the fates were three sisters

Who are constantly knitting everyone's life story

But when they cut your thread you were through

The Greeks believed that they had free will

But someone higher up decided when their time was up

I wonder who decides that... and why?

I also wonder about the future

Not if I'll be rich and famous or have kids

But what will the world be like an hundred years

Will it be a thriving utopia

Or will we have almost killed each other after large nuclear war

Little things make you wonder they get you thinking

About all the big things in the world and about life's great mysteries

I will never stop thinking I couldn't even if I wanted to

How about you?

Will you think?

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