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All the students of Hogwarts  were sitting in the great hall and ate dinner as their Headmistress, Profes
sor McGonagall  stood up. "Everyone be quiet", she said as she knocked against a glass with a knife. Everyone in the great hall stopped talking and looked at Professor McGonagall. "This year we are going to have a yuleball with some foreign guests again in order to celebrate the peace."
Everyone started talking again. "Harry do you already know with whom you are going to go?" Hermione Granger asked and looked at her dark haired friend, who sat in front of her. Harry shook his head: " Not really" he said

Harry Pov
"Maybe I could ask Ginny to go with me, since she likes me." I thought but my heart was telling me to go with someone else. Someone I liked for a long time. Someone who hated me. Someone who had blonde hair and sat at the  Slytherin table.

Pansy Pov
"Why is Pottah starring at you the whole time Draco?" I said. He shrugged with his shoulders. " Don't know he's weird sometimes." "He looks at you the same way Pansy looks at you." Blaise said, "but I don't think that he's gay tho,"  He added. "EXCUSE MEEE", I yelled so loud that everyone in the great hall must've heard it. "Dray Dray is mine. He's my boyfriend, Harry's not allowed to look at him like that." I said and pouted.
" I don't belong to anyone not even to you, so stop pouting that's annoying," Draco said. "What?", did I just heard that right? "But Dray-Dray", I tried but Draco didn't even look at me.

Draco Pov
I didn't even listened to what Pansy said anymore. "Potter could possibly be gay, and like me?" I thought while starring at the dark haired boy who sat at the otherside of the greathall. I sat there for a while starring at Potter. I didn't even noticed that I already stared at him since 5 minutes until I hear Pansy say:"ugh great now they are starring at each other." I stood up and ran out of the great hall. "How embarrassing ", I thought and went into the dungeons and went to the door of the Slytherin commonroom. "Mudblood", I said and the door opened.

_______________________________________I hope you liked the first part of this fanfiction, also I apologize for my english, since it's not my motherlanguage and please give me feedback on my writingstyle/ language/ etc.
I think I am going to upload a new chapter weekly, if I find the time.

Words: 432

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