Why Can't Professor X Move His Legs?

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Bro 2 walks into the room where Bro 1 is just playing videogames on his gameboy. "Hey, yo, bro," says bro 2. "What up bro." Responds Bro 1. Bro 1 says, "If professor X can move things with his mind, why can't he move his legs?" "Because-" Bro 1 stumped at this question, looked off into the distance and re-thinks EVERYTHING.

Bro 2 waves his had in front of Bro 1 and says, "Hey. Hey, bro. Bro." He then stands up and says. "Oh sh**, it worked. Welp!" He then grabs a bag and steals stuff from Bro 1's room. "Wait he might get mad." "No, I'm not made." Bro 2 says moving Bro 1's mouth as he talks.

"He's not gonna like that," says broette from the door. "Well then you don't know sh**." Says Bro 2. As he exits the room. Broette responds with, "Well, I know more than that." He scoffs, and goes back to his room.

Let me know if I should make a Part Two. This sounds like a really good series. [IDEA!!!] Perfect. That might as well be what I'm gonna do. (Probably.)

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