New Neighbors

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Shaun Murphy and Steve are sitting at a table in their apartment looking outside looking at a stray cat.

Steve Murphy) Huh, I see we have another cat outside our home. The cats sure love us.

Shaun Murphy) Yes they do I love cats as well they are kind animals and they don't cause a lot of trouble.

Steve Murphy) Would you like to have a cat someday as a pet Shaun?

Shaun Murphy) Yes I would though I don't have enough money to buy one now but someday I will.

Suddenly they hear a knock on their door.

Shaun Murphy) I'll get it.

Shaun opens the door and finds someone standing there.

Lea Dilallo) So I'm in the middle of uncharted and I'm dead can I borrow some triple A's? I'm your neighbor.

Shaun Murphy) Hello

Lea Dilallo) 34

Shaun Murphy) My brother and I moved in last week 33! We work in a hospital.

Lea Dilallo) That's cool!

Shaun Murphy) Yes

Lea Dilallo) Triple a's please?

Shaun Murphy) Battery's?

Lea Dilallo) Right do you have any?

Shaun gets the batteries and hands them to her.

Shaun Murphy) Triple a Battery's.

Lea Dilallo) Thank you piece of advice don't feed the cat.

Shaun Murphy) What cat?

Lea Dilallo) Feed it once and it will never leave you alone. Thank you for the Batteries neighbor.

Shaun Murphy) Your welcome!

She leaves and Shaun closes his door.

At work Steve gets a phone call from Claire.

Steve Murphy) Hello?

Claire Brown ) Hi it's me. What are you doing?

Steve Murphy) I'm on break what's up?

Claire Brown) Oh it's Shaun he seems strange today and he won't answer my questions.

Steve Murphy) well he doesn't like to answer some questions and he's getting used to living in a new city and getting a job.

Claire Brown) He seems different today like I can kinda talk to him.

Steve Murphy) If you want to get to know him more you have to figure out your own way in, I have to go bye.

He hangs up and goes back to work.


Young Shaun Murphy and young Steve Murphy are sitting in a police car waiting to be picked up by their parents.

A police officer enters the car.

Police officer) You're home. Dad and mom had a tough night with your brother passing out. Come on let's go.

He tries to grab Steve and Shaun but Shaun resents.

Shaun Murphy) No No! I can't go back I wont go back we won't go back! Never again!

Shaun starts pounding on the window while Steve is still sleeping.


Shaun and Steve are at a police station just waiting for anything to happen. A police officer then comes by with two slushy's in his hand one strawberry one blueberry he hands the strawberry one to Steve and the Blueberry one to Shaun.

Police Officer) It's sweet you'll like it.

Steve Murphy) Thank you so much.

Police Officer) It's no problem.

He walks away.

Police Officer) What should I do with them child services, foster homes they don't want to be with their parents that's for sure.

Shaun and Steve both drink their slushy.


Shaun and Steve Murphy are at a Foster care home Shaun is reading a medical book while Steve is playing a video game.

Police Officer) What's wrong with him?

Foster care Worker) He's autistic Officer.

Police Officer) What does that mean? Does he need to be in a Hospital?

Aaron Glassman) Last place he should be in a hospital.

Aaron Glassman walks to Shaun and Steve and turns on a light and look at him.


Shaun, Steve and Aaron Glassman are sitting at a restaurant eating Breakfast the two boys look sad from having to run away from their parents but they know it's for the best but they still miss having parents. Aaron Glassman sees this and replaces Shaun's food with his medical book.

Aaron Glassman) You'll both stay with me tonight and tomorrow we'll figure out the rest.

Shaun and Steve both look at Aaron Glassman and Steve nods his head.


At the Cafeteria Steve hands the food that Shaun and Aaron Glassman orderd and hands it to them and they begin eating and talking and Steve joins in.

Later that day when Steve finished work he went home and he saw a girl two doors near his apartment she looked the same age as him she was not that tall compared to him had pale skin and had long straight dark brown hair. When he saw her he couldn't believe his eyes she was the prettiest woman in the room right now but he had to act normal.

Steve Murphy) Hi

Avia Green) Hello are you new here?

Steve shakes his head.

Steve Murphy) Kinda I moved in here about 3 weeks ago.

Avia Green) Cool I just moved in.

Steve Murphy) Ah welcome I'm sure you'll love it here I certainly do.

Avia Green) Thank you, I'm Avia Green by the way!

Avia gives out her hand and Steve shakes it.

Steve Murphy) Steve Murphy I hope we see each other more.

Avia Green) I'm sure we will, I got to go but I'll see you around.

Steve Murphy) Ok see you around Avia.

After that they depart ways and Steve has a smile on his face.

                         END OF CHAPTER

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