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Jessica and Steve are in the waiting room in Dr. Blaize office waiting for Dr. Glassman to have his appointment, while they are waiting Steve took the liberty of being there for his Adopted father and taking little breaks during his work right now he is reading a magazine about entertainment. And Jessica is there to support her friend and wait, now she is waiting patiently while also being on her phone.

While Dr. Glassman is waiting he drinks some water in paper cups which he throws afterwards but he doesn't make the shot he tries again and again but he still doesn't make the shot so he just gives up.

Dr. Glassman Steve and Jessica are still waiting for Dr Glassman appointment, Shaun comes in and greets his brother and Jessica then sits down next to Steve and Dr. Glassman and brings a book.

Dr. Glassman throws the paper ball in the trashcan but misses.

Aaron Glassman) Sitting around waiting for tests is a waste of my time much less yours.

Shaun Murphy) I know I told Jared that I wanted to read my book but he kept saying that I should just be here with you but then I realized that I could be here with you and also read my book.

Shaun opens his book to read and Dr. Glassman throws another paper ball in the trash can but misses again and Shaun is annoyed By that.

Shaun Murphy) I want you to stop doing that.

Dr. Glassman doesn't listen to him and throws another paper ball in the trash can but misses again and Shaun does the same thing but he doesn't throw it because he has a idea.

Shaun Murphy) Harry has kaleidoscopic disintegration we thought that he had schizophrenia but he does not he has a brain tumor.

Shaun then leaves without his book and a explanation and Dr. Glassman still throws his paper balls in the trash can and Steve is annoyed by it also so he goes back to work.

After Shaun has a sensory overload Jared Calls Steve to come meet him in the Homeless Shelter near st. Bonaventure Hospital and Steve comes right away to help his Brother. He sees his brother holding his toy scalpel he's with Jared and Steve is glad that he has a friend like Jared because he doesn't have many friends in his life but he's glad Jared is one of them.

They eventually find Harry and they take him to the Hospital to do a MRI on him so Steve waits outside for them when they are done.

After Shaun and Jared did Surgery on Edward they waited in his room with Steve and Edward's wife and Daughter for him to wake up.

Edward wakes up and is glad to see his wife and Daughter with him he hugs them both and Shaun and Steve are both thinking about their Mom and their dad and how they wished they loved them as much as Edward loves his daughter, Shaun walks away and Steve understands how Shaun feels because his brother didn't get the love from his dad that he deserved at the time. Steve walks out of the room to give the family some privacy and he sees Shaun and Jared talking and knowing that it's Jared's last day he is sad to see him leave because he has been such a great friend to Shaun and he knows that it's going to be hard for Shaun afterwards.

Shaun leaves after he talks to Jared and Steve comes to Jared

Steve Murphy) Goodbye Jared thank you for being a good friend to Shaun and good luck in Denver.

Jared) It's my pleasure and thank you.

Steve leaves and walks with Shaun to the cafeteria to meet Dr. Glassman there.

But before they see Dr Glassman Steve's boss comes with a girl who has long Blonde hair and is the same height as Steve.

Steve Murphy) Boss what are you doing here? Usually you don't stay here after work.

Steve's Boss) I know but I had someone to interview and I came here to introduce you to her because she'll be joining your Cafeteria team.

Steve's Boss looks to the girl and the Girl speaks

Amanda Wellcot) Hi I'm Amanda wellcot and I look forward to working with you.

Steve's Boss) well I'll leave you to it see you guys tomorrow.

Steve waves to him and his Boss leaves the Hospital.

Shaun recognizes that Amanda has autism because she won't look at ether him or Steve and she doesn't shake Steve's hand.

Shaun Murphy) You have autism?

Amanda responds by saying yes and Shaun is glad to find another person with autism and has the same difficulties as him.

Shaun Murphy) I have autism too, it's nice to meet you Amanda.

Amanda Wellcot) It's nice to meet you too.

Steve decides to introduce himself as well to Amanda.

Steve Murphy) Hi I'm Steve by the way I'm Shaun's younger brother I look forward to working with you too.

Amanda smiles at that glad to have made friends already at her new work space

Steve Murphy) We'll we better get going we have someone to see bye Amanda see you tomorrow

Amanda Wellcot) Bye Steve and Shaun.

Shaun waves his hand at Amanda and they leave to meet Dr Glassman.

They see Dr Glassman siting at a table by himself doing nothing and Steve and Shaun come over to sit next to him.

Shaun Murphy) Do you have my book?

Dr Glassman) Yea

Dr Glassman hands him his book

Shaun Murphy) I said goodbye to Jared he has to go to Denver and I have to stay here with you and Steve.

Dr Glassman) No you don't Shaun, It's not up to Jared it's not up to me it not up to anyone to tell you where to be. I have a long journey ahead of me and In the end I've got to take it alone.

Shaun Murphy) Yes I understand, I'm going with you.

Steve Murphy) Me too

Steve places his His hand on Dr Glassman's hand

Steve Murphy) You're not doing this alone we'll be with you every step of the way.

Dr Glassman smiles at that and after that Shaun and Steve go to their apartment.

When Steve and Shaun get to their apartment floor they see Lea near their door with two bags next to her and they are shocked to see her return.

Lea Dilallo) Well aren't you two going to say hello?

Steve Murphy) Um hi?

Shaun Murphy) Hello


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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