☯Chapter 1☯

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Layla's POV

Sometimes I feel like I'm invisible.

No, invisible isn't the word...

I'm just the center of no ones attention.

I slammed my locker shut and leaned my shoulder on the cool metal, clutching my pastel green binder in one hand. My hazel eyes eyed them in such disapproval. I bet the scowl deep in my face wouldn't even effect me, knowing that I'wouldn't even take second glance at myself anyway.

And when I mean them, I mean the school's favorite group made up of idiotic, irresponsible, careless douchebags. There's Justin, Niall, Harry, Louis, Ashton, Liam, Calum, Zayn, Michelle, Miley, and Perrie.

Oh, and lets forget the most douche-bagiest out of all of them; Luke.

However, my heart desperately aches for that tall Australian guy.

I know what your thinking, 'why would you like Luke if you think he's so bad?', but to be honest, I actually have no clue. I've had this enormous crush on Luke Hemmings since the day I moved from America to Australia, and it only grew each day that passed. We've never actually talked, well, besides the day where I corrected him in Math class and he told me to, and I quote, "piss off, know-it-all!".

But anyhow, I've always thought he was something special along the rest of the students at our high school.

Maybe it's the way his eyes shined when he'd laugh with his friends, maybe it's the way he walked as if he was higher than everyone else, maybe it's the way-

Unable to finish my thoughts, I found myself being shoved onto the floor of the hallway, my binder flying in the air and its contents spilling everywhere.

My cheeks flushed bright red as everyone started giggling and laughing, shaking their heads at me pathetically.

Who the heck just pushed me?!

Let me guess...

"Watch where your going!" Justin Bieber spat at me, his cold gaze and tattoos intimidating me.

"But..." I sat up on my elbows.

"What?" He challenged, slightly crouching down to meet my gaze. Was I really going to talk back? Sure I knew he wouldn't hurt me physically (I hope not), but he wouldn't hesitate to harm me any other way possible.

"That's what I thought," Justin murmured, taking my silence as an answer. He stood up straight and nodded for the rest of the crew to follow him down the hallway, ignoring the dreamy-eyes looks girls were giving him.

"Pay attention to where you're going next time." I noticed Liam, the quiet yet strongest one of the little clique, held out for me to take and I gladly accepted it, rising to me feet.

I ignored Liam's demanding tone. "Thank you,"

"Whatever." He didn't take a second look at me and continued walking down the hall.


The bell suddenly rang, signaling it was our last period of the day. I groaned as students stampeded out of the hall, causing my papers to get stepped on and scattered around even more.

Tucking a strand of dark hair behind my ear, I bent down to retrieve all my papers.

Biology review...language arts short stories...math notes....

Wait, where are my math notes?!

"Looking for this?"

My eyes snapped up to Luke, who was smirking down at me with my notes in his hand.

"Uh-yes, um...thank you." Embarrassed, I quickly stood up and reached the papers, but Luke held them higher.

I frowned. "Not so fast, know-it-all."

Excuse me?

"What?" I said quietly and dumbfounded. I hope he doesn't rip them up or something.

"I just saved your notes, I want something in return." He bit his lip mischievously, playing with his lip ring.

My cheeks went hot at the sight, he's so perfect. "Y-you didn't save my notes. I could have easily gotten them if it weren't for you taking them."

"Yup, know-it-all is a perfect nickname for you." Luke rolled his eyes.

"Can you just give me back my papers?" I whined.

"Nope." He popped the 'p' childishly.

"We're going to be late for class!"

"Do I look like the kind of person who cares about missing class?" He stepped closer, his tall frame towering me. I gulped and took a step back, which Luke thought was amusing.

"Listen," he started. "I give you back your damn notes, in return of something important to me."

"What do you want?" My voice came out small.

"A study partner." He wiggled his eyebrows.

Oh my god...Luke Hemmings, the guy that could have any girl he wanted to be with, asked me to be his study partner?!

I must be dreaming.

"Well?" He must have gotten annoyed with my silence, but my thoughts were loud as ever.

"Deal." I gave him a small smile. Luke's eyes shine and he lazily gave my papers back.

"See you after school, don't make plans." He winked at me before waltzing down the hallway.

I bet my face looks like a giant tomato; this is the longest conversation I have ever had with my crush, Luke.


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