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Nathan takes my bag from my hand and puts a hand on my arm to steady me, his eyes low, on the snow and ice on the ground.
He shakes the bag gently.
"You didn’t bring much " he says. "I told you not to be shy."
I blush and glance away.
"Nath, I know we're serious, but more than a weekend's worth of stuff at your house, not that serious."
He frowns.
I put a hand to his cheek.
"Yet," I mutter.
And when I shiver, he tugs me inside.
He sets my bag at the foot of his bed and unzips it. He glances down into the bag, gasps, then turns his head to meet my eyes.
"A toy? You kept that quiet."
He lifts the hot pink three inch bullet vibe out of my bag and lifts it up to eye level.
"Well, sometimes you want an incredibly easy orgasm," I mutter, cheeks pink.
"Incredibly easy," he repeats softly.
"Oh yeah, baby," I mutter.
I step closer to him, wrap my arms around him and skim my hands up his chest. I take his ear between my teeth, skim my mouth down his neck and ease my nose inside the collar of his t-shirt.
He clicks the button on the end of the vibe and the buzz fills the room, a little loud and totally artificial.
Nath groans softly, just for a moment, then turns off the vibe.
"We're so having fun with this later," he says.
He tucks the vibe into one of his pockets and pats the shape of it through the denim.
I lean forward and catch his lips when he turns his head.
Through the kiss, he walks me back to the bed, gently pushes me down onto it, lands heavy between my parted thighs.
I push him back, ditch my shoes and set a knee on the bed, crawl over his body. When I look down into his face, my hair falls about our necks and shoulders. He pushes it back, smiles up at me and kisses me again. I pull back and sit straight over him, press my hips down against his. I take hold of his shirt buttons and undo them quickly. When he shrugs it off, his body pushes up against mine.
I gasp.
He smirks up at me, sets his hands to my thighs and squeezes the back of my thighs, his fingers spread wide.
"Later, baby," he mutters. "I promised the boys a dinner, to ease you in."
"I'll ease you in," I mutter.
He chuckles gently and eases out from under my body, smacking my ass gently. I roll over and watch him placing my things into one of his drawers, keeping them neatly folded and organised.
I haul myself off the bed and wrap myself around him, cling to his back when he starts to walk out into the kitchen and living room, our footsteps heavy, wide and awkward. I stay like this even when we find Max in the kitchen, slowly arranging food on the counter for dinner.
I peek over Nathan's shoulder, take one of Nathan's hands in mine and use it to wave.
Max laughs.
"Hey Lannie," he says. "Sit down, grab a beer."
"What's for dinner?"
"Pasta bake," Max grunts, pushing down on the knife in his hands and splitting an onion apart.
We all blink quickly. Nathan shrugs me off and hands us all a beer. The boys drink quickly. I put my bottle under my nose before I do the same.
Nathan takes a seat and pulls me onto his lap. We play footsy and watch Max cook.
Tom and Jay bounce in. Someone puts on some music, hooks it up to the bluetooth speaker and plays it a little too loud.
We share smiles, dance where we sit or stand.
And when the boys start to sing, my heart skips several beats. Nathan runs long notes together, sings high notes that cut through choruses.
Nathan buries his head against my neck and blows raspberries against my skin. I laugh and wriggle and flounder inside his arms.
"Guys!" I shout, "You should all start a band."
Nathan lifts his head.
The boys share glances, freezing around me.
"No," Jay laughs.
The others join in.
"No," Nathan says.
I take his chin in my hands and meet his eyes.
"Don't be modest, babe."
He nods minutely.
"Guys," he says. "What if?"
And the rest of the night passes in a blur of hearty food, beer, video games and daydreaming, of making hazy plans of singing at tribute nights and writing songs, of saving for a studio.
The boys are abuzz with it all.
And me, I'm abuzz with Nath.
And Nathan, he's everything.

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