First Day of Class

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When I walk into class on the first day, I come to a screeching halt on the threshold of the room. 
Behind the round table, a handsome young man is sitting on a chair at the back of the room. He's got thick brown curls of hair, one of them hanging over his forehead, and below it, green/blue eyes. He's got earphones in, a notebook on his lap and his legs stretched out. 
I creep into the room and take a seat in the corner, away from him.
He looks up, starts, takes out his earphones.
"Are you in the writing class too, the freshman one?"
He chuckles, "You're in the right place, don't worry."
I sweep my eyes over him.
"You're not a freshman, are you?"
"I'm a senior, and the TA."
Oh God, that's not good.
"Oh cool cool," I mutter.
"So are you majoring in writing?"
"Literature and writing, yeah," I tell him.
"So you want to be a writer?"
I notice the twang in his voice, a British accent.
"I don't know."
I leave it a beat, then ask, "If you're British, how come you study here?"
He shrugs, "Long story."
And just as I open my mouth to call him mysterious, someone else walks in. He greets the TA, asks if he got the email with the teaching materials. I surmise he's the professor; he's youngish, in a shirt and slacks, wearing Converse. 
I slump over the table, lean on my elbows.
"Nathan did you get our student's name?"
I look up to see Nathan shake his head.
"Lannie," I tell them.
"Prof Smith is the best here," Nathan says. "You're in good hands with us."
Prof Smith takes a seat at the far side of the round table and sets out his materials as other students start to come in. A pretty redhead sits next to me and starts to make conversation. After a minute or so she clocks Nathan and whispers, "Who's the hottie?"
"Shame," she sighs. "I so would have gone there otherwise."
Tell me about it.
I pass the class, which is spent discussing the syllabus, throwing glances across at Nathan. He sits in the corner all lesson, half-listening, bending his notebook as he scribbles into it, his pen whispering across the page.

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