Have A Good Day <3 :)

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Frank looked up from his math homework to stare at his best friend sitting across from him. Gerard looked focused on sketching, the scratching sound of pencil on paper filling the otherwise quiet library. "Hey, Gerard?" Frank said, breaking the silence. Gerard looked up from his notebook. "Yes?" He replied, still staring intently at his paper. "You like guys, right?" Frank questioned. Gerard, confused by the question said "Yes." "Like, you're gay, right?" "I just said yes," Gerard repeated. "Why do you ask?" Frank fiddled with his hands. "I think I'm gay," Frank responded. "I have a crush on this guy." Gerard tried his best to conceal his surprise. For the few months he had known Frank, Gerard had assumed he was straight. Probably because all of the hot guys at his school were. "I've known him for a while, and I really like him. He's tall, and he's smart, and he's... god, he's pretty close to perfect." Frank continued. Gerard didn't know who it could be, but somewhere in the back of his mind wished it was him. But Gerard knew it wouldn't be. He wasn't very likable, he wasn't that smart, he was just average. And the way Frank had sounded, he was pretty head-over-heels for this guy. Gerard was sure it couldn't be him. "Well, are you gonna ask him out?" Gerard asked, swallowing his slight jealousy. "Probably. But he definitely won't say yes. I think I'm just going to get it off my chest and ask if we can stay friends." Frank said. Gerard looked shocked. "Frankie, why do you think he won't like you back? Is he straight or something?" "No, he came out to me a while back. But why would he like me? I'm short, I get awful grades, I'm not fun to talk to or hang out with, I don't know how anyone could." Frank sighed. Gerard gasped. "Frank, don't say that about yourself! You're smart, and you're funny, and I love hanging out with you. You make my day better, and I'm so glad I met you. I'm sure-" And then he was cut off by Frank leaning over the table and kissing him. It was too short for Gerard's liking, but it was nice in his opinion. Frank pulled away. "Shush, this is supposed to be my confession, not yours." Gerard blushed. This couldn't be real. Frank giggled. "I think I'm going to text him. Should I?" Gerard, still too dazed to speak, just nodded. Frank pulled out his phone and began typing. Soon, Gerard's phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and checked his messages. One new message from 'Frankie :)' He opened his phone. The message read "Dear Gerard, will you go out with me?" Gerard quickly typed a response, giggling. One new message from 'Gee <3' "Call me for your answer" Frank quickly hit the call button and Gerard picked up on the first ring. "Fuck yes." He stated before hanging up the call and reaching across the table to kiss Frank again. Frank felt Gerard press their lips together and he smiled into the kiss. Then Gerard packed his sketchbook and pencils into his bag and looked at Frank. Frank hurriedly shoved his algebra into his folder and crammed it into his backpack. He walked up to Gerard and bowed. "Shall we?" He asked in a fancy British accent and outstretched his hand. Gerard took it, laughing, and they walked out of the Library, each wondering what he did to deserve the boy walking beside him.

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