Part 1

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Chapter 1


As I turn the corner of the street, I see our neighborhood and warn Denki as he gives me a nervous laugh and replies,

"I-I knew that." I laugh as we turn up to our neighborhood and finally, our street, I see a boy about my height, with red eyes and dirty blonde, spiky hair fighting with a girl slightly shorter than him, having the same red eyes and dirty blonde hair, but rather down to about her waist and looking like it was curled, but naturally, and a light-ish red scar on her left eye. I tap Denki's shoulder and point to them as he yells,

"Hey Bakubro, Minako, come here!" They take a brief moment to pause and look over at us, as the girl walks over and waves to us,

"Lekki your back! You left me with this excuse of a brother for way too long. Anyways, want to pick out what we are going to wear for the entrance exams for tomorrow?"

"Oh right, forgot that the exams were tomorrow," I say as I clench my jaw, thankfully Denki takes my mind off of it as he says,

"Anyways, we brought you guys some meat buns, but we can't chat for too long cause we gotta give some to Midoriya." I hand the meat buns to Minako as she walks over to Katsuki and tells him,

"Go give these to mom and dad, their meat buns,"

"No, you go do it,"

"If I wanted to, I would have done it," she says as she makes Katuki fly into the air feet first, "You know what Katsuki, I'm going to play the murder card since you tried to literally kill me. You take these goddamn meat buns to mom!" she screams and drops him from the air.

"I hate you, I really hate you, extra," he yells back as he storms inside.

"Sorry about that, anyway, it looks like you have to go to Midoriya's house, so I'll let you be on your way."

"No, hold on," I say as I turn to Denki and ask, "can you drop these at Izuku's house for me, please?"

"Aw man, fine, but this is the last time!" he says as he snatches the buns from me and starts walking down the street.

"Okay, now that's over with, can we pick out our outfits, I want to look good!" Minako asks as she grabs my arm and hauls me to my house. About ten minutes later I laid out 1a cream-colored cropped sweatshirt, with black sports leggings. We do a light jog over to Minako's house and she picks out a dark grey long sleeve workout top, paired with some light grey sports leggings. We walk downstairs to see Katsuki outside in their backyard, exploding god knows what, as we look at him and start to laugh, he looks over at us and opens the sliding glass door, and starts storming up to us. We turn around and head for the front door, and manage to get out in time before he uses his quirk and nearly explodes the both of us. Thankfully, Minako uses her quirk to deflect his blast.

"What the hell were you two laughing about?" he yells as we look at each other, and try our hardest to not laugh. Katsuki growls and throws another explosion at us, yet Minako uses her quirk to deflect the blast once again, Minako laughs and asks,

"Your really that stupid to try to use your quirk against me again, can't you clearly see your blasts will do nothing against us?" I laugh as he gives me a glare and attempts to throw his fist at me, though I doge pretty easily and reply,

"Your throw was way too predictable, continue like that, and real-life combat's going to be a pain in the butt."

"Oh you shut it Spark Plug, before you know it, I'm going to be the greatest hero of all time!" I look at Minako as she just holds in a laugh, and I do the same. Katsuki has always said the same thing since he was little.

"Wow, how original, I didn't know you started hanging out with five-year-olds again, cause your vocabulary sure sounds like it," I say as he looks at me and puts his hand up. Not even seconds later, an explosion shoots from his palm, it was too fast for me to move or counter, so I just turned around and shut my eyes until I heard the sound stop. I look back to see Minako punching Katsuki in the face as she yells,

"I already told you to stop! First off, you're an idiot if you think I wouldn't be able to deflect your painfully obvious blasts, and second off, you could have hurt Lekki."

"Whatever, what you said, you can just deflect my blasts, so Spark Plug has no chance of getting hurt. Oh and a fair warning, you can't rely on elfy's quirk to save you every time," Katsuki growls as he goes back inside. I tell Minako that I have to go, and I walk over to my house, when I get inside, I see Denki as he asks,

"What were you doing for so long?"

"Oh, I was hanging out with Minako, and got in a fight with Katsuki." I go up to my room and go on my computer, and before I knew it, it was already time for dinner. After I finished eating, I played GTA 5 with Denki until about 9:30 before we both got ready for bed. Although I had quite a hard time falling asleep, I'm just so nervous about the exam. I wake up to hear the sound of my alarm going off, as I touch the alarm with my pointer finger, it stops and I get out of bed and head off to Denki's room. When I open the door, I look over to see him still passed out on his bed. I use my same pointer finger to touch his alarm, causing it to go off quite loudly, as Denki wakes up with a jolt and tells me to go away. I touch the alarm again, causing the annoying beeping to stop, then proceed to grab his arm and drag him out of bed, before leaving off to my own room to get ready. I put on the outfit Minako helped me pick, and head over to the bathroom where I meet Denki as we brush both our teeth and hair. I decide to leave my hair down, but bring a tie with me in case.

After we eat the leftover meat buns from last night, then I put on my clean-ish pair of Nike Air Force 1's, make sure we have everything we need, and leave. I walk over to Minako's house where I see her in the outfit we picked out and she's wearing a clean pair of Nike Air Force 1's, and Katsuki who was wearing a black tank top and some green pants with an ugly bright red belt to tie everything together. I look at Minako whose face was full of determination, concentration, and some excitement, while I'm just plain out nervous, though I think when we get there, and we start fighting, I will loosen back up, at least I hope.  

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