Part 4

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Chapter 4


I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring at me, when I look I see that it's 6:30 and we have to leave by 8. My uniform is layered out in my dresser, folded and ironed, since I took a shower last night, I don't need to this morning. I brush my hair and teeth and go downstairs to see a dumbass punching a punching bag outside. I go into the pantry and grab some sugary cereal, as I look over I see mom approaching me as she asks,

"Minako, what the hell is Katsuki doing?"

"Not sure, the training I guess, either way, he looks like an idiot doing it." She laughs and goes outside to yell at Katsuki that he has to eat something. He yells back at her and she slaps him in the head before walking inside and glaring at me.

"What's wrong? Mad cause you have to go inside? Aww, how sad," I say as he sends an explosion my way, but I block him without a second thought. He grabs the cereal and starts eating like there's no tomorrow. I snort and comment,

"Someone's hungry, or just mad because they didn't get their way." He glares at me but continues to eat. I head back up to my room and see that it is 7:15.

I put on my uniform and decide that it's too uncomfortable so I decide to ditch the blazer and pull down the tie and I bottom a couple of buttons from the top. I put my shoes on and put my hair up into my normal half-up pigtails. I don't wear makeup so I just put in chapstick. I grab my leg strap and attach it to my leg under my skirt. I place 3 pure black daggers inside and velcro it closed. I always bring these just in case, plus they're the only weapon I'm good at using. I walk downstairs and Katsuki is already dressed without the blazer of course, and ready to leave. I get into the car and we both call shotgun at the same time. We fight for it and I grab his hand and show him I have daggers and he backs down. We finally arrive at school and I see Lekki, who's wearing two ponytails in a Mary Saotome style, although rather than bangs, she uses two rather thick strands of hair, and Denki getting out of the car and I run over to them and give Lekki a big hug as I say,

"Hey, glad to see you both! Who's your homeroom, have you submitted anything new? Tell me everything!" She gives me a small laugh as we start to walk to the entrance, and unlike me, they're both wearing their uniforms as directed, although Lekki has the first button undone, and the tie's slightly lower than normal, and Denki just has the second button undone, although I don't think anyone is going to notice.

"So, should we start off with homeroom?" I ask as they both reply simultaneously,

"Class 1-A, Aizawa," I tell them I have the exact same, and Denki replies with excitement in his voice,

"That means we've got all the same classes, lucky us!" I laugh and explain how Katsuki also is in 1-A and tell them how apparently Midoriya passed, though it might not be true.

"Woah, Midoriya seriously, but how? According to Lekki he only got a huge zero-pointer," Denki exclaims as Lekki replies in a surprisingly calm voice,

"It must have been rescue points. Based on the fact he took down the zero-pointer and that one alone, there was no way he could have gotten any more points. Also taking a look at him in combat, his body seems to break when he uses his quirk, and there was almost no way he could have gotten rid of them without using his quirk or any additional support items."

"Wow Lekki, you did your research didn't you," I say as I playfully shove her. She says it's just a guess, but still, she wasn't wrong. When we all arrive at the Class 1-A room, we look up to see the doors which are huge. I take a deep breath and right before we open the door, we hear a voice which belongs to a boy with untamed green hair. He has quite a few freckles and he's rather on the shorter side, asking us to wait a quick second. I roll my eyes, but the Kaminari's stay waiting at the doorway, so I just follow along.

"Izuku, I didn't know you were in Class 1-A too, nice to see you again though," Lekki says as I give her a tap on the shoulder and tell her class is going to start, as she tells him,

"Well we have to go, talk later though," she says as she waves to him. I walk through the large door and Katsuki is already there with his feet up on the table on the opposite wall of the door. I start to walk to an empty seat near the back when Bakubro bro pushes my back and tries to trip me. I turn around and attempt to slap him but he grabs my arm and I walk away.

As I'm continuing to walk a very small boy with purple balls on his head, weird, he's staring at me and following my every move. I end up taking a seat in front of and one to the left of a kid with a similar scar to mine and red and white hair. My gaze breaks from him as a girl that is drop-dead gorgeous and big boobs walks in and I have to stop staring or I'm going to look like a perv.

I notice that Lekki sits in front and to the left of me and Katsuki is two seats ahead of me. Just as I am about to start a conversation with a Hot Face behind me a strange man that looks dead walks in. He introduces himself as our homeroom teacher and says that we will need to be going outside for our assignment today.

We all walk into the girl's locker room and change into the extremely ugly gym clothes, so I decide to unzip my top a little bit. Before I can fully unzip it Lekki walks in front of me and without breaking contact from ahead of her, she zips it back up. I roll my eyes and we walk out onto the field where I see everyone else.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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