Partially Illegal

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"Y/n are you serious!?"

"Shhh.. not so loud Kanzaki." You whispered to your best friend, who you had just told your plan too.

"I know, sorry." She said.

"It's okay, but will you help?" You asked.

"I don't want to get into any trouble Y/n."

"You won't!."

" I don't know..." she continued. "I mean, it doesn't seem like something that's legal. Even in the U.S!"

"Kanzakiiii." You gritted.

"Oh, right! Sorry." She sweat dropped.

"Look, it's only, partially illegal." You tried to reassure. However, she didn't show any sign of changing her mind any time soon.

"Okay fine, if your that scared. I won't force you." You shrugged your shoulders.

"Then your still gonna go through with it, even if I don't want to help?" She looked worried.

"Well, yeah of course." You walked around to her. "I mean I did come up with a really sick plan."

"Uhm.." Kanzaki sweat dropped again. "I don't think framing him for grant theft, is considered "sick"." She made the quotation marks with her hand.

"Well it's the fastest thing I could come up with, I mean I did say I was going to get him back yesterday. And since he doesn't want a truce, I'll just have to get him before he gets me." You devilishly smirked.

"You know Y/n.." she started. "Sometimes you scare me a little.

You through on an innocent face, though you kept your smirk. "Whatever for?"

"Uhh haha... never mind."She nervously waved it off.

"Good, then it's settled, today starts our war." You stated with both your hands on your hips; a proud expression running over your features, before they eventually turned into determination.

You walked into class, Kanzaki following not to far behind, and made your way over to her desk area. You didn't want to interact with Itona yet, however you did glance over at him a couple of times as he talked with his new friends, Terasaka, Hazama, and Muramutsu. Itona was sitting on the top of his desk, door planted firmly on his chair, and he sat in a hunched over position.

"Y/n? Y/n~?"

"Hmm hu, huh?" You blinked a couple of times. "Yeeees Kanzaki Chan?"

"Uh.." Kanzaki blushed at the nickname you gave her. "Whaaaats wrong? Kanzaki Chan~?" You teased.

"Uh,nu, nothing. Just that.. youve never given me a nickname.. so why now?" You held her breath. Obviously scared she might have upset you by asking.

"Well we have been friend for a really long time." You said. "So I just thought a nickname might suit you."

"Oh Uhm okay. I guess it's cute." She smiled.

"So Y/n Chan is going around giving out nicknames, it on,y seems fair that they get one themselves." You turned and almost passed out.

Directly behind you stood Itona Horibe. "What do you want Horibe!?"

"Well I was just curious as to what you were talking about so..intently.. over here."

You scoffed, "really because the last time I checked." You raised your hand in a what motion. "You were the one in a deep conversation with your, friends."

"Now how would you know that?" He pressed his face into yours.

You were speechless for quite some time, looking towards the floor, and Kanzaki, and behind Itona. Creating eye contact with anything but at him.

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