Chapter 16

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"I hope this cloaking tech was worth all the trouble." Max said from her seat in the cockpit.

"You just gotta have a little faith Zoomer." Steve said to the girl next to him.

"Ugh really?" She said facing the older boy. Steve had a lazy grin on his face. He knew she hated the old nickname.

"That's right I almost forgot. You're all grown up now, and hate fun, and now me apparently." He said in mock hurt.

"Steve Shut up. You know I like you just fine. Besides who came to you when Dustin fell asleep on the couch back home?" Max said. Between when they returned to base, and there departure, Dustin had fallen asleep. When Max saw him she ran to Steve with a marker in hand. When he woke up he didn't realize he had a full marker beard, and walked around like nothing was different.

"Yeah I know. Doesn't mean I don't like to hear it." Steve said easily. Max for her part just rolled her eyes in response. A loud beeping interrupted their back and forth.

"Looks like we're almost there. Taking us out of hyperspace." Steve stated. When the flashing lights around them stopped they were greeted by the sight of a white planet, and a Star Destroyer.

"Here goes everything." Max said to Steve. With a nod he pressed a few buttons, and flipped a few switches. Their imperial cloak was activated. It was a tense few moments as they seamlessly went around the Star Destroyer, and penetrated the planets atmosphere.

"Ok yeah. Totally worth it." Max said with a grin.

"Told you. Just needed a little faith." Steve shot back.
The planet of Impecca was completely covered in ice and snow. It was also the location of one of many Imperial prisons. The cold was used as a way to destroy the mind, and body, while also used as a way to keep away any would be rescuers.

The party weren't just any would be rescuers though.

The group were gathered in front of a hologram schematic of the fortress. After a brief moment of silence Steve spoke up.

"Alright I got nothing. What about you nerds?" Steve asked. He was met by silence, before Mike stood up.

"So we have an impenetrable fortress surrounded by At-Sts in case of intruders." Mike said.

"Thank you captain obvious." Max whispered at Steve. Eliciting a chuckle from her friend.

"Do you think they have any kind of short range sensors? If they don't we could approach on foot. We have grappling hooks. We could scale the facade and make our way in from there." Mike said.

"Not your worst idea." Dustin said. "But what if we jumped down from the ship and parachuted down." Dustin said.

"That. I like that idea. That sounds like a fun time." Steve said to Dustin. The two fist bumped at the idea.

"This isn't about fun. This is about saving Jonathan." Will said to them. The two clammed up at that.

"I could get us in." Jane spoke up.

"How?" Mike asked.

"It's not much of a deviation from your plan, but all we have to do is get close. I can cut a hole in the side of the wall." Jane said.

"Cut a hole? With what? I feel like those walls are made of a strong metal." Lucas said dismissively.

Jane merely pulled out her mother's lightsaber. The green light ignited. The others looked on at the weapon from a bygone era.

"Yeah that works." Steve said.

"Alright we have our way in, but what do we do after we get in?" Lucas questioned.

"Well when it comes to these types of places there's always some kind of hub. A directory if you will. If we find that we can find Jonathan." Steve interjected with something useful.

"Alright sounds like we have some sort of plan." Mike said. "Any one else have input?" Mike asked.

"We can just improv the rest." Dustin said with a shrug.

"You know improv isn't our strongest suit Dustin." Mike said. The rest were inclined to agree.

"Please. What's the worst that could happen?" Dustin asked nonchalantly.

"Aaaahhhhh I was wrong I was so horribly wrong!" The curly haired boy screamed. He was running down a hallway with Will, and Steve. The alarm was blaring around them. Behind them was a small group of Storm troopers.

"Stay frosty we got this!" Yelled Steve. Every now and again Steve turned to fire a shot behind him. After many twists and turns the storm troopers lost sight of the three. Another group ran past where the three were hiding.

"We have to be close to Jonathan right?" Will asked.

"Guys we need a location update." Steve whispered into his radio. Max's voice came out of the radio.

"From where you're at you need to go to the end of the hall, and from there you make a right. Jonathan's cell two oh eight." Max relayed.

"Alright thanks. We'll keep you updated." Steve said.
Back at the hub. The rest of the group were together ready for anything.

Lucas had his rifle out ready to pick off anyone heading the direction their friends went.

Max and Mike were working on the security of the place. Making sure Steve and co. had a relatively smooth rescue path.

Jane though was left pacing. She couldn't handle standing still for too long. Eventually her mind was made up.

"I'm going to go help." She said heading to the door.

"What do you mean?" Mike asked.

"They need my help I can be a distraction." The girl said.

"Jane that's way to dangerous." Mike tried to protest, but Jane simply handed him the green saber.

"I'll be back for that." She said. Mike understood the gesture. Turning her back she left the area.

As soon as the doors closed Jane's entire demeanor changed. She had hoped. She had prayed, but she had no other option. Pulling out her light saber it ignited red.

She had to do this. She had to help, and this was the only way she knew how.

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