Chapter 9

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Rukia POV

As they got permission to go we started walking to get them some uniforms for the academy. We walked down the hallway to a room which on the inside had a guy who gave some uniforms.

"Oh yeah and one of you two take this."

He motioned to us a red glove. The kind I used to get Ichigo out of his body in the past.

"Oh I'll take it."

Renji walked up and grabbed the glove and put it on.

"I've always wanted to this."

He turned to Ichigo and punched him in the face causing his soul reaper form to come out. Renji took the glove off and gave it to me.

"Should we try it?" He asked.

"We could see. I won't hit her hard."

I walked over to Orihime and grabbed her face to test if she also had soul reaper powers. She has been so close with Ichigo and near us that I wouldn't be surprised I she did.

"Hey Rukia why did you do that?" She complained.

Then her body fell on top of her. She does have soul reaper powers. Wow.

"Hey look Ichigo I have a Zanpakuto!"

" Yes you do Orihime. You are a soul reaper."

She started laughing. Renji and I picked up their bodies and started leading them to their room. On the way we told them about all the things they will need to do and all that stuff. After they got settled in their room we walked away.

" Do you think they're going to do anything in that room?"

"Probably. They will be there for about 3 years. It could happen."

" Yeah I guess you're right."

Because we were talking about that it gave me an idea.

" Hey you know Renji. We don't have any lieutenant duties just yet. What do you think we go fool around?" I said seductively.

"I don't know Rukia where will we go?"

"Anywhere I don't care. I just want to have fun."

I jumped on his back.

"Now go and find a place!"

I said with my finger in the air.

Byakuya POV

I was walking down the hall when I heard Rukia. I looked around the corner to see her jumping on Renji's back and yelling 'Go find a place!' I wonder what she meant. I need to know.

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