The fight with James and Brie

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As I yelled Crucio I was dumb enough to do it in front of Brie. Brie yelled as she ran over to James and Remus and dragged them into the girl's bathroom. They were both shocked. Remus picked me up and they were off to go to the hospital wing. All of a sudden Brie grabbed James's arm and said "It's all your fault that Rachel did Crucio on herself!" As James was shocked because he did nothing he said "WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY FAULT SHE WAS DUMB ENOUGH TO BUT CRUCIO ON HERSELF!" They were both furious at each other fighting about who's fault it was. All of a sudden James started hyperventilating. Brie just rolled her eyes and demanded James to get up.  On the other hand, Remus was annoyed that they both were fighting.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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