Chapter 3-Brett's Dilemma

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Brett woke up with a slight headache. The sun shined so brightly through his curtains that he couldn't continue to sleep. So he got up, wore his house slippers and walked out of his room. He couldn't really process what he saw as soon as he got out of the house. It was clean, but that's not what shocked him. Who could've cleaned the place? It wasn't him, unless it's his new drunk habit. 

"Eddy?! Eddy?" Brett called for his best friend who he knew would sleep in his house after the long night.

"Yeah?" Eddy replied from the kitchen. Brett was confused this time. 

Well, this is... weird? Am I dreaming after I just confirmed I woke up?

Brett walked cautiously to the kitchen, expecting a stupid prank Eddy would pull on him again.

"Hey, come in. Cooked something for you. And uh... coffee's there," Eddy greeted Brett with a bright and sincere smile while pointing to the coffee maker.

Brett frowned and walked towards Eddy at the stove. He could smell the food now. Scrambled eggs, toast, sausage and coffee. 

"Hmm......," Brett said out loud. 

"What?" Eddy asked Brett. 

Brett shook his head and walked to the dining table. As he pulled the chair to sit down, he thought it over again. This felt too weird. The sizzling sound, the delicious smell, the strong smell of coffee, Eddy humming to a familiar melody and Brett not..... cooking breakfast.

"Eddy........ what's going on?" Brett finally asked the question.

"What do you mean?" Eddy asked Brett.

"This... all these... it seems so.... weird? And wrong?" Brett admitted. 

"Bro, I just wanted to treat you to something nice after your soulmate mark reveal last night.... I mean this morning," Eddy said.

"You don't want anything from me? Or am I going to be expecting a prank again?" Brett said as he sat down.

"Nah, nothing. Just wanted to cook you my infamous English Brettfast!" Eddy said as he plated the dishes.

"My name is not a pun," Brett told Eddy with a glare.

"Well, then why is it so pun-able" Eddy asked Brett with his usual cheeky smile.

"Shut up, and do you care..... to explain the mess outside?" Brett asked Eddy while pointing at the door.

"It's not a mess! Wait, did I forget to clean some part? I mean I'm sorry I didn't clean your room it's 'cause you were sleeping!" Eddy told Brett.

"NO! That's not the point? I'm asking WHY.IS. IT. SO. CLEAN????" Brett asked Eddy.

"Uhm, 'cause I cleaned it? Wait, are you mad 'cause of that?" Eddy asked Brett.

"Yeah! WHAT'S HAPPENING? I'M SO CONFUSED" Brett exclaimed.

"Uhh..Brett? I told you it's 'cause I wanted to treat you today, give you a rest too, you know, think about your soulmate. Maybe you've already met her or something. I mean that's some cool soulmate mark," Eddy explained himself.

Brett sighed.

"I don't want to think about that first. I just want to finish uni first," Brett replied.

"I get it, I mean I would the same too but-," Eddy stopped in his tracks.

"But? But what, Eddy" Brett asked.

Eddy remained quiet.

"OH COME ON, EDDY! Not this again," Brett whined. Brett knew that Eddy had something to say but didn't. If Eddy didn't answer Brett's question after he asked a multiple times, it'd be hard to get it out of him. And one of Brett's biggest pet peeve is people who stops while they're telling him a secret and says "you know what, nevermind".  

"Eddy, I don't wanna go through this again," Brett warned Eddy.

"Okay, fine," Eddy finally said, knowing the consequences if he didn't say what he so desperately wanted to.

Brett leaned against the table with his arm crossed. 

"So, what's up?" Brett asked again, hoping this would be the last time.

"Uhm- what if..," Eddy said slowly then cleared his throat.

"So this is a serious question, huh?" Brett said.

"I mean- yeah, but, what if... your soulmate is a.... guy..?" Eddy hesitantly said.

Brett immediately looked up, shocked at the sudden statement made by his best friend.

"uhhhh- I mean..," Brett tried to reply but couldn't.

"I'm so sorry if that threw you off, just- let's just eat ok?" Eddy said as he quickly prepared the plates and cutleries to avoid the awkward silence. 

Brett didn't want to say anything to Eddy's statement as well. It was such an odd statement it threw him off. Eddy had never once talked about something..... related to the LGBTQ+ community? Except for that one time when their gay friend came out to them and asked them if they were okay with that. 

Brett was happy that Eddy's homophobic parents didn't get into his head. But Brett had always known that he himself, Brett Yang, had developed a sense of liking towards men. Starting from world famous musicians to men on the street. He still doesn't know his sexuality. He liked girls as well. But ....he find men good looking, too. According to his knowledge, he could be bisexual. Or pansexual? He asks himself these questions everytime he finds someone good looking. He's always wanted to tell Eddy about it, but he couldn't bring himself to. Especially after Eddy had just broke up with Toni. 

They finished their breakfast and immediately went into their rooms to "practice". The word "practice" always mean "I don't feel like talking to you" after a fight or just... an awkward moment. And they both know that. Brett went into his room and sat on his bed, staring at the wall.

I mean, it doesn't matter, right? If my soulmate is a girl, I can't change her. My sexuality wouldn't matter anymore. And... then, I can answer Eddy's question! I'll need to find my soulmate quick. 

Brett opened his laptop up and typed in "how to find your female soulmate faster". More than a million results came out in such a short time and Brett clicked on the first link. The link led him to 10 points on how he can find his soulmate faster.

It read:

1. Try to gain a girl's trust first

- A girl will be more willing to show you their soulmate mark if they trust you.

I guess I gain a lot of my female's trust easily. I mean, at least none of them have broken the friendship because of trust. 

Brett continued to read,

2. Ask her on whether she had found her soulmate

-This is a number 1 question you would have to ask the girl when she is willing to talk to you about soulmates. Remember, say it nicely. Girls are sensitive about these stuff.

Brett looked at the wall again. 

What? They find it sensitive? But the girls constantly asked any boy who had their soulmate mark revealed straight up!

Brett closed the tab and sighed.

This isn't going to work.

 Brett stood up and paced around the room, trying to figure out what to do to find his soulmate faster.

Hey, guys. So sorry I've been gone for too long. I've been busy :D

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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