Chapter 1- The Realization

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The door squeaked open. Brett looked back and saw the door creaked open. Brett sighed.

"Eddy! I know you're there," Brett said out loud. Brett heard a little bang from the outside and Eddy walked into the practice room.

"You caught me, again," Eddy said.

"Bro, you opened the door SO loudly, how could I possibly have not heard you?" Brett said with an eye roll. Eddy laughed.

"You have not changed since we were young," Eddy told Brett while laughing.

"You always say that, Eddy. Come on, what are you here for?" Brett questioned Eddy as he continued to practice the hard passage.

"I see you're moody. Must be the hard passage, huh?" Eddy pointed out.

Brett sighed loudly again. He put down his violin and leaned against the wall.

"It's SO DAMN HARD!" Brett groaned.

Eddy chuckled.

"I know you can do this, bro. You always do," Eddy encouraged Brett. Brett smirked and got back to his position.

Eddy turned back towards the door again.

"Well, it's time for me to go," Eddy said while waving goodbye to Brett.

"Yeah, goodbye. Enjoy your practice too," Brett said to Eddy. Eddy nods and closed the door behind him. Brett sighed again and faced the music stand, his eyes fixated on the few bars of demi-semiquavers. The lines caused his eyes to blur and he rubbed his eyes intensely. He groaned loudly and propped his violin up again.
I can do this, I can do this, just a few more times, I can nail this! Brett said in his mind. He began to play the passage and almost got through it perfectly. He let out a tsk and started all over again. His eyebrows in the shape like Angry Bird's.

Eddy giggled quietly at Brett's constant groans and tiptoed out of the hallway. He entered his own practice room and sat down on a chair. He took out his phone and went to Facebook. He saw that his friend had uploaded a picture of Brett and Eddy wasted at the party the night before. Eddy chuckled at how ridiculous he and his best friend looked. He typed a comment and posted it. Eddy then put down his phone with a smile still on his face, the ridiculousness rubbing off him. He heard his phone vibrate and picked the phone up again to see a notification from his Facebook friend.


Edward Chen

Fuck you



Eddy snickered and looked up to look at his piece and violin sitting on his violin case. 

Break's over. He said to himself. Before he turned off his phone, Eddy heard a few dings.

He opened the app and read the comments.

Edward Chen

Fuck you



@ Brett Yang. What do you think?

Brett Yang

Well, Eddy said what I wanted to say.


Oh, well. :)

The Soulmate MarkHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin