Chapter 1

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Kind hearted, sweet, and heroic Harry Potter. Yep in 2nd year I knew I hopelessly had fallen for the boy-who-lived. At one point I was so observant of Harry most thought I was stalking prey. Out of everything though the thing I liked the most about this boy was his glistening forest green eyes. When I failed to be his friend in 1st year I kept trying to get his attention even if it was through bullying. I never meant to hurt Harry just have his complete attention at all times. I know that I could have just apologized then we'd be friends but I always was ten times more difficult than needed. Now I'm standing in the 8th year common room having a staring contest with Harry Potter while trying not to have a breakdown from fear. "Hello Pottah."I say sounding annoyed even if I wasn't. "Hi Malfoy." I hear him whisper in a weak voice as he looked away. I start thinking of why he was acting so strange then it hit me, literally. A piece of paper smacked my head. I reached up and grabbed it unfolding it to see inside. What was written surprised and scared me beyond belief. It said, 'Draco Malfoy will be roommates with Harry Potter.' Never knew that such a small piece of paper basically held the future of my last year in Hogwarts on it. Scary, emotional, and worst of all rooming with my 7 year crush.

Harry P.O.V

Of course I'd be rooming with my 3 year crush. Just great another emotional and crazy year when I finally thought all years of weird were over. I looked at Draco and was spooked by seeing him starring right back at me with his storm cloud grey eyes. They were filled to the brim with emotions just like a perfect storm ready to appear from an overfilled cloud. At the edges it seemed like a calming storm was leaving. "POTTER!!"I hear finally snapping to reality. I see Draco standing in front of me snapping his fingers to get my attention."Uhhh...What did you need, Draco?" I say barley hearing myself."W-Wha? Why did you call me Draco? If you were wanting to be friends with me just say so, Harry." he said backing up then smirking like he uncovered my darkest secret."Ummmmmmmm...I don't know why I called you Draco, but I kinda would like to be friends." I started off normal but my voice seemed to fade the longer I spoke. He looked down at me and smiled. A real smile and out of nowhere said," Really Potter. You turned me down in 1st year. Little late aren't you?" This shook me to the core." C-C-Can we be friends then? To make up for the past years." I mumble fiddling with my fingers.

The Forest and Calming Stormحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن