Chapter 17 - Fury's Secret Side

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The others were all walking towards the exit, Tony still in Bucky's arms and holding the Iron Man figure close to himself.

"I thought Fury would be more understanding than he was. That frustrates me." Steve says with a sigh.

"You can never know what Fury is like. He's hard to read. And you guys think I'm hard to read. At least you can tell sometimes what I am feeling." Natasha says as she ruffles Tony's hair as she walks past him and Bucky, causing him to giggle quietly.

"I will say, he never angered the Hulk in any way, even with the yelling he was doing towards us. I don't think he was doing it with bad intentions. I think he was just concerned for Tony's health." Bruce says as he thinks about it.

"Yeah. That's normally a good sign when it comes to Fury." Steve says.

"Heads up. There is an agent following us from behind." Bucky says as he glances over his shoulder at the agent just to double-check that he was correct, glaring at the agent.

The others all turned to see the agent, who was now frozen in place because the entire team was now looking over at him. Steve sighed at the sight of the agent.

"I'll handle this. You all go off ahead. Tony looks exhausted and as much as he can sleep now, I think he would much prefer somewhere much comfier. So get him home. I'll catch up once I have dealt with the agent." Steve states and they all nod, apart from Tony, who just yawned.

The rest of the team all turned around and headed towards the exit of the headquarters, while Steve walked towards the agent with a stern look on his face. The agent was still frozen in place, never moving. He didn't want to seem like a coward and run off now.

"Did Fury send you to follow us along to try and convince us to let you mess around with Tony?" Steve asked with a glare at him.

Steve just waited, arms crossed, wanting to know what kind of excuse the agent was going to try and come up with.

"The director wants Stark checked over." The agent says, taking a couple of steps back just in case there was a risk of getting punched.

"Well, we're not letting him. He has been through a lot in a short space of time. We do not need you lot to traumatise him more." Steve says, watching the agent back up more.

"Of course. Sorry, Captain." The agent says before quickly leaving and heading back to where he had come from.

Steve sighed and turned around, walking towards the exit to the headquarters. He managed to catch up to the others and they looked at him.

"Did they want Tony?" Bucky asked, rubbing Tony's back gently as he hopes that would help lull the child to sleep.

"Yeah. He only said that Fury wanted Tony to be checked over, but with how the past couple of days have been, I don't trust it." Steve explains.

The others agreed with that and continued walking towards the exit. Tony did look a little upset, which Bucky noticed.

"What's wrong?" Bucky asked as he looked at Tony.

"Am I causing problems?" Tony asked as he held his figure close.

"No, you're not Tony. Don't worry. The angry pirate man is just being annoying." Clint says, earning a giggle from the child before he yawned.

"Don't worry. When we get back, you can have a nap." Steve assures with a smile.

Tony didn't object to that at all and rubbed his eyes with his free hand.

"Okay...Can I walk?" Tony asked as he looked up at Bucky.

"Of course. Just don't wander too far from us." Bucky says as he places Tony down on his feet.

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