I'm 17

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I woke up like every other Monday annoyed and tired, I sat up slowly and swung my legs over the side of the bed and got up.
"Michelle get up your going to be late!' My dad yelled. Yep the great Tony Stark or more famously known as Iron man is my father, I was born with the X gene so I was a mutant but dad always excepted that and even helped me with my abilities but he and I both knew I had to keep it a secret, with my abilities I could control water and ice.
I brushed my dark brown hair and got dressed quickly into a pair of black skinny jeans and a teal sweater with some black combat boots and made my way to the living room of Stark towers
"Good morning" dad said from behind the counter of the kitchen
"Good morning" said quickly getting my stuff together and running towards the door
"Michelle wait"
"What I'm going to be late" I said a little annoyed
"Happy birthday" he said handing me a small box and kissing me on the forehead
I smiled and hugged him "thank you dad"
~~~~~time skip~~~~~~
I got back home from an exhausting day at school there was a note on the fridge that read

Im at a meeting I'll be home around 5:00, Pepper is coming over around 4:30 take care

I sighed and made my way towards my backpack and opened the small box dad gave me this morning that I haven't opened yet, it was wrapped in gold paper and had a red ribbon I chuckled at the colors and unwrapped it. Inside was a black box I opened it to revel a necklace with a gold chain and a teal gem, I smiled and put it around my neck.

I laid down on one of the sofas and fell asleep. I was woken up by a gentle shake
"Michelle wake up" when I awoke I was greeted with a pair of gentle blue eyes
"Hi Pepper.. How long have I been asleep?"
"I'm not sure I just got here it's 4:35" she replied
"Happy birthday" she said sitting next to me
I chuckled
"thank you Pepper"
"So what's it like finally being 17?"
"Not much different" I shrugged she nodded
"So tonight the night we finally light this baby up"
I chuckled "yea finally"
Me and Pepper talk for about 45 minutes when dad came home
"Hey there's my two favorite girls" he said.
I laughed and stood up "thank you for the necklace by the way it's beautiful"
"I thought you would like it" he said I smiled and walked into the middle of the room
"So let's light this sucker up shall we" I said rubbing my hands together and smiling

Guys let me know what you think please

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