The Initiative

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"How's it looking?" Pepper said while me and her looked at a screen with levels and the functions of the tower
"Like Christmas but with more me" dad replied
I chuckled "hurry up and get in here we have cake" I said walking into the kitchen
I got a glass of milk and came back into the room "an argument could be made for 15" I heard dad say
I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch
"Aw boo you guys come on let's celebrate it's the day that the best Stark was born and the tower was lit so come on drink and have cake"
Pepper chuckled and made her way next to me
Dad made he's way over and sat down at the coffee table.
"Sir agent Coulson is insisting" Jarvis said
With that Coulson walked in and pepper and dad my their way over to him while I stayed seated
After dad made his way over to the screen a pulled up the files I made my way over to him
"What is this?" I said with wide eyes
"The Avengers" dad said
"I'm going to head to DC to night" pepper said
"No you have home work a lot of it"
"What if I didn't"
She whispered something in his ear, I rolled my eyes
"Ok" dad said and pepper walked away with Coulson
I waked to the screens and saw everything from the hulk to captain America to Thor
"No" dad said
"I know what your thinking no this is to dangerous"
"Dad come on I'll just stand behind you and watch plus I can handle my self remember third degree black belt and.. The other thing"
"Fine but you have to behave no freezing people or anything or you're going home that instant"
I rolled my eyes and chuckled "deal"

Sorry for the short chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2015 ⏰

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