Passed out

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I started chasing Alya down the block, I could feel the heat against my face and my palms getting sweaty from stress. I can't let her think that Chat and I are together, it just wouldn't be true. Right? It's not... true. I don't feel that way. I do not feel that way. I need to keep reassuring myself that I don't feel that way because I just can't. Suddenly 1,000 thoughts are running through my mind, my head starts hurting and my legs are starting to tremble. I can't keep running. 

I slowly feel myself starting to collapse onto the brick road, I can feel the brick slowly burning my skin from the heat. I can't move, I don't know why but I just can't. I finally feel someone's hand on my cheek and yelling "Marinette? MARINETTE!" The voice sounds, familiar?

My eye's start opening and I'm somewhere familiar, but I can't exactly place it in my mind. My vision's blurry and no one's in the room with me, where the hell am I? It's cool which feel's nice. I can feel the AC breeze against my face, I'm under someone's covers. Slowly my vision starting coming back.

 Oh no. 

Once I came to the realization that I was in Adrien's room I shot up from the bed, OH MY GOD I'M IN ADRIEN'S BED!!! I heard footstep's coming into the room and for some reason my first instinct was to pretend to still be passed out, I felt a someone sit next to me. "Oh god Mari you need to learn how to not stress yourself out." I heard Adrien whisper in his soft voice, what's he talking about? I've barely seen him at all this summer, he has no place to say if i'm stressing myself out. He should just go back to stupid Lila and get some more ice cream.

I suddenly felt a familiar hand touch mine, I could feel him staring at me without me having to look. He chuckled to himself and faintly mumbled "I can't do it without you." Can't do what? What can't he do? I'm so confused. I decided to pretend to wake up and slowly opened my eyes, I saw his eyes staring into mine. I got that same feeling I felt when I was with Chat except with Chat it was... stronger. Their eyes almost looked identical. I didn't have time to think about that right now though. 

I could see him take a deep breath and let go of my hand, "Hey Mari, I found you passed out on the sidewalk near your house. No one knows you're here, I didn't know if you wanted anyone to know or-" He looked relieved that I was okay but for some reason that didn't comfort me like it would've just a few weeks ago. I just kept thinking about if Chat knew if I had collapsed and how he felt right now. Oh and Alya, she would never purposely post something that she knows would hurt me so I'm not too worried, she's a great friend. For some reason I just wanted to leave Adrien's house.

 "look Adrien that was really nice but I have to go." I felt bad being so blunt but things had changed. I could see the look of shock in his eyes.

I got up, still feeling dizzy. I could feel the cold flooring under me, it felt like a shock going through my body. I slowly started walking into the hallway then down his steps trying not to fall, his house looked so empty and kind of sad. I felt bad for Adrien but I needed to start thinking of myself for a change, even if that sounds selfish. Once I left his house I saw Nathalie confused on why a girl had just come out of Adrien's room, I guess he was serious when he said that no one knew I was here. Once I went outside and the heat and sun hit once more, it felt like a punch to the face.

I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone then saw a text from Alya, "I won't post it, you're secrets safe with me ;)" the text read, I didn't have the energy to correct her.

Everything feels weird right now, probably because in the last 3 hours my best friend saw me sleeping next to Chat Noir in my bed, I passed out, and I was somehow in Adrien's room.

I felt a little voice ruffle from my bag, OH NO TIKKI! She's been in my bag this entire time! I opened it up and she didn't look to happy, I understand why though. "Marinette I am so confused! At one point I felt you drop then someone pick you up and carry you into a house, then into a bed and now you're here! You need to-" In the middle of Tikki's sentence I heard someone jumping from roof to rood, I chuckled knowing who it was. "Tikki hide!' I whispered while nudging her into my bag, I felt bad since she had been in there since Chat came last night but I needed to keep my identity safe.

I suddenly saw two leather boots in front of me, I looked up to see exactly who I thought it was. "Well hello there, sunshine!" Chat said with the widest smile

His smile made me smile even in the worst of times, like now.

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