×Lava baths!❤️×

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Tommy but water hurts him
Request: no one

Phil was looking at his son tommy his youngest he was confused he tried to bath tommy when all of a sudden tommy started taking damage he was confused to say the least.

He grabbed a lava bucket and threw it in the bathtub
"Here tommy drink this"

Tommy looked at him confused but drank it Phil then put him the bath it was nice and warm he liked it he splashed the water?...no not water..warm liquid a little Phil dodged when the liquid went towards him tommy was confused but just made bubbles in his warm bath.

Phil took him out the bath and dried him up as tommy laughed and got dressed and ran downstairs to talk to wilby about his bath.

Wilbur was surprised and yelled at phil for awhile till Phil explained what happened and why he bathed tommy in lava.


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