19 | ouch!

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Caim's POV

A single bullet left my gun and shot directly on the shoulder of Xavier Montague. He stumbled on his legs and fell on the ground from the momentum of the impact. I stood there, breathing heavily with my hand clutching my stomach where I was shot. The blood was flowing out at a high rate, making me dizzy from how much I lost blood. This is not the first time when I've been shot, I got shot a few weeks ago in my leg when I skipped school for some days and I know I have to skip again.

After I got the phone call from Josh about our drug dealing passages being stolen right under my nose it made me furious. Grey is really trying hard to get under my nerves and slowly he is succeeding. I was filled with so much anger that all I wanted was to bash that fuckers skull into oblivion but I couldn't show it in front of her because I've been known as the expressionless bastard and I would like to keep my reputation, also it would've scared her if I suddenly went into a ballistic mode where no one can control me and I doubt not even her.

"What the fuck do you want," I asked the idiot who was now sprawled on the floor with his hand holding the injured shoulder. Xavier spit his blood and sat right up on the road.

" you know what I want Salvatore," that bastard said through clenched teeth, the injury is not letting him talk properly and it was entertaining me to see him in so much pain.

Xavier Montague is a lucky bastard who always gets away from doing shit, whether for me or grey. He was never on one side, he just decides where he wants to work next and comes unannounced to collect his missions. Sure, he works both sides but he never share the secrets we somehow let him know for the completion of the mission, so it somehow made me to trust him, though not much. That's why I don't know when he is going to work next for grey and the same goes for him. We tried asking him about grey but he always refuses to open his mouth, instead, he tells us to call him when we need him next and leaves. He has a fair share of dark past which I know about a glimpse or two but other than that he likes to keep himself undercover with large walls built around him.

Right now, he is pissing me off. I just want to go home and rest for the rest of the night but this motherfucker thinks it would be amazing to ask something in return for telling us who exactly stole my drug passages. If it was money he asked for I would give any amount he wants but he asked for something which I don't have with me right now and if it was, still I wouldn't give him that. The thing was more important than my life and i'm not talking metamorphically.

"Yes but you can never have it, I won't let you" it was clear that he doesn't like the answer because the next thing I know, I was on the ground with his hands squeezing my neck painfully. I was so over this behaviour, I rolled my eyes and applied pressure on his already wounded shoulder. His grip loosened and I grabbed his hand, twisting it behind until I heard the sickening crack of bone breaking. He screamed but it was going deaf to my ears. He struggled in my grip and swung his other hand on my face, punching me hard on the jaw.

Fuck, that hurts.

He removed his arm from my grasp and kicked me in the stomach, it was already aching but his kick sends a jolt of strong pain all over my body and I hissed, landing on my knees due to the excruciating pain in my abdomen.

" Salvatore, do what you want but I will get it and not even Grey can stop me," he said before mounting his bike and going to the only place that keeps him sane. Lucifer Zonurol, his life.

I scoffed at how he can go to his love but I can't even see her face for at least a week. I have to stay home for a week to make sure my bullet wound heal and don't cause me trouble.

After struggling for a while I finally stood up, but it hurts so much. It's like my whole body is on fire, I pulled out my phone from my pocket and battled to whether call Lucas or not, in the end, I decided to call him.

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