I: Rise

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It was another Friday morning in the lonesome house of Ria, outside is a fascinating view where almost everything is covered in vines, top to bottom as if nature has dominated the place. The world is currently experiencing a pandemic which explains the scarcity of people outdoors.

Inside the house lies the room where Ria spends most of his time, the spacious living room. But for now, he is asleep.

With online classes to attend and yet, Ria refuses to wake up and as the sun carefully peeks out on the window, he 'miraculously' arises from his deep sleep.

*Yawn* "Erm... Erhm."


"Crap, I'm late again." Ria mustered.

And as he quickly arises after knowing that he is INDEED late, a peculiar object 'greets' him. That was his to-do list, right in front of him, idle on a desk a few meters away from the bed.

"Well, life sucks anyway. I still have a handful of tasks to accomplish, am I even making progress?" He said with an appalled face while navigating through his To-Do's.

With problems involving procrastination, it will be hard for Ria to catch up with his tasks.

But, as he suddenly glances at the clock, he was suddenly reminded that he was late, so instead of standing there like an idiot, Ria prepared for the day ahead.

A few hours passed by, the online session has ended. A stockpile of shi- I mean tasks are written once again.

A few hours passed, he never finished anything (kinda sucks).

*Yawn* "Well, tommorow exists for a reason." he said sarcastically. "I want to sleep early tonight."

After dinner, Ria took a bath and eventually slept.

A few hours pass by...

*Train passes by*

"Huh, the subway. Nostalgic I suppose." Ria stated whilst blandly observing the station from a distance.

He started wandering aimlessly in the station in the search for something he didn't know, someone he never spoken to, somewhere he never knew.

He had this drive he couldn't resist, a conscience he isn't fully immersed on. An empty soul. His mind is wandering in this fantasy made sub-conscience as an escape from the real world. He asks himself;

"Am I real? But it seems like I was not, I'm just an another mortal specie doomed to such punishment from destiny itself, they would say life is just a thrilling ride analogous to a rollercoaster. I'd say its freefalling without a parachute, however, the only thing keeping you sane is whether you are aware of the real shit that is happening around you or you're unconscious"

"I'm awake all this time. I'm aware every second that passes but it seems like my soul isn't the same."

He stated in dismay, there is indeed something missing in every person's life but how can we find it? This missing piece among all of us left unfilled, unchecked and unable to recreate this piece of peck. This is life.

But in the midst of wandering, Ria met someone peculiar, uncanny but angelic at the same time however, this is no angel as this is made within his subconsciousness, a product of his soul and mind.

He approached.

"..." Ria looked.

"..." No response.

He left the area without any second thought but the person followed him. Ria stopped and initiated a chit chat.

"..." No response.

"..." Ria looked.

He resumed walking, the person started following.



*Sigh* "I'm late again."

A Promise (DISCONTINUED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon