Chapter 7: Phone Calls

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Around 10 o'clock the next morning Harry woke up to 11 texts and 3 missed calls all from Michael. He groaned, rolled over and propped himself up on his elbow to begin reading the messages. Nebraska is one hour behind and Harry kept that in mind when talking to Michael while he was in Massachusetts.

6:00am "Up at 5 like my body doesn't know how to adjust with you not being here, miss you"

6:15am "I know you worked late last night & you're asleep but it sucks not having you here"


6:54am "H, you know I hate fighting with you so please call me when you wake up"

6:55am "It's not fair, you always knew I wanted kids. But I want you too, babe!"

7:13am "Please call me once you wake up, I know you have cars to be working on today but this is important."

7:39am "You're probably out with Z or something. I know it's already 7 there."

7:58am "I know it's not fair of me to do this, but I am your fiance for as long as you want me to be I guess. But I deserve answers. This sucks Harry and I don't want to sit by the phone waiting for you all day."


8:49am "You really can't budge on having a child, you know this is all I want in life. I'm a teacher jesus christ. I can't just sit around and not have a child of my own. Please consider it, H. I really want this to work out between us I love you so much xoxo"

9:04am "Babe, I know there is more to this than a child. We CAN work this out, even if we don't - can we still be best friends?"

9:23am "I've been talking to lots of people out here trying to clear my mind of all of this and it's not working"


9:52am "Harry it's already 10 there, I'm going to file a missing person's report if you don't call me back. I barely slept last night thinking about this. I love you so much, if you need space please just tell me.

Harry looked over to the other couches to see that no one was with him. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and folded his blanket nicely on the couch. After using the bathroom and fluffing his hair a bit he walked out and up the stairs into the kitchen where he saw Louis and Niall cooking breakfast together. There were already plates on the table, napkins set and bacon frying. He scratched his head and smiled to himself, he is always the one that does the cooking - it's nice to actually be cooked for for once.

"Good morning, you snore," Niall blurted out. Louis snorted as he flipped the french toast and Harry playfully punched Niall in the arm.

"How do you like your eggs?"

"Uh, scrambled I guess,"

"Good, Louis can't flip an egg to save his life, it was going to come out scrambled anyway."

They all laughed together and for a brief moment Harry forgot about all the problems happening in his private life. It was nice to laugh with friends without anyone bringing up Michael. Zayn always wanted to know the details of what was happening, and while Harry appreciated the concern, it wasn't exactly the easiest thing to talk about. Harry sat down at the table and poured some orange juice in a glass set out for him. Just as he was about to take his first sip, the front door connecting the mudroom to the kitchen flew open and presented a shorter man whom Louis resembled and Harry assumed it to be his father.

"Harry! You're awake, come pop this hood and take me for a drive around the neighborhood!" Louis rolled his eyes and tried to explain to his dad that he had just woken up, but Harry said it was no bother. He slipped on his black boots from the night before and walked out to the backyard to show off his car. From the kitchen Louis and Niall could hear the engine spring to life as they continued to cook.

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