Chp 1.

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Chp 1. Unexplained Incidents

'Kelly, I'll be there in two minutes, you needn't worry about being late to class.'

'Thanks Ryan. That'll be so kind of you,' Kelly replied and hung up the phone. She then looked down at her bicycle and injured knee. She did not understand how it had happened. She'd just been standing there for the past five minutes, trying to figure out how she had fallen off her bicycle on a paved road, without any stones or pits in sight.

'Kelly, are Are you sure about not seeing anyone push you? I can't believe that a champion cyclist like you can fall off on a smooth road like that. Besides, you said you felt a push. What about that? And hurting your knee so badly? It's still bleeding, isn't it? Just wait a bit more, school's almost here.'

Kelly smiled gratefully and uttered a thanks. There was a sharp, stinging pain in her knee, which was now resting against the backseat of her friend Ryan's bicycle. Hers was still lying on the avenue.

'Well, are you going to answer my questions?'

'Huh? Oh yeah...yeah... I did feel a push, but I'm sure no one was near, it might just have been the wind, after all,' she said, more to herself than Ryan, as if trying to convince herself.

Ryan helped her down and took her to the medical wing once they reached school.

The Falconwood Park was a favourite haunt of theirs. After class, Kelly, Ryan, May, Rachelle and Steve went through the open gates of the Park and occupied their usual places near the trees. These 5 friends shared the love of cycling and exploring-and this had helped them stay flocked together through thick and thin, throughout the five years they had known each other. Ryan sat down on the ground beside Kelly. 'Your knee's fine?'

'Yeah! Thanks for the help once again.'

Ryan smiled and took Kelly's right hand in his. 'Hey! You're not quite yourself, Kels. What's the matter? You know you can tell me.'

'I ..... I am not quite sure. Today's incident just felt weird,' she shrugged.

'It may have been just your imagination, don't let a silly accident bother you,' he said and squeezed her hand reassuringly.

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