Chp 4.

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Chp 4. The Magic Begins

Kelly’s POV:

‘And who’re you now? Holmes? Poirot? Miss Marple, maybe?’ Ryan asked me while I got my bicycle out from its usual place in the shed. I quite liked how excited he was, thinking we’d get to start an investigation on our own.

‘I’m Kelly Evans and that’s who I plan to be.’

‘You’re no fun, Miss Evans.’

He lightly punched my arm as we mounted our bicycles and pedalled off to May’s house, which was just a block away from my own.

              Before proceeding further, let me just tell you how much I love May and Ryan. You can measure the circumference of the Earth ten times over, multiply that with its diameter, then treble that and add the distance of the farthest known star from the Earth and that would still not be enough. It seems like I have known them forever. We've been the best of friends since we were tottering toddlers. Our parents say we learnt to talk together! No wonder we keep texting each other all day long. Sure we do not talk sweet all the time, but we're also not the "we're best friends because we always quarrel" type, if you know what I mean. Rachelle had joined us about six years ago when she had moved into the Falconwood Township first. Steve had followed a year later. May, Rach and I were great friends too but she did feel a little out of place amongst us, we could understand. And about Steve, he and .... Wait, hold on. That's not what I should be thinking now. 5-year-old John Barfield remained missing, and for some unknown reason, I just felt convinced that I'd know everything once I had reached the spot where I had fallen. I was glad to know that May and Ryan had the same instinct. It was uncanny, no doubts there, but it just felt right. I had been cycling mindlessly all the way when Ryan's voice suddenly brought me back to my senses.

"Kelly! We've reached May's house; where are you going?"

I halted in my tracks, realizing that I'd already crossed her apartment and cycled up the road again.

"Sorry, got a little distracted."

"Distracted?" May called out.

"Yeah, she'd gone down the road, never realizing she'd crossed your house until I called out to her."

"Then there must've been a good reason behind the distraction, I suppose." She was referring to the time I'd said that I could find my way to her house blindfolded. I grinned sheepishly and was just about to answer, but once again, Ryan beat me to it.

"Kelly has been in a reflective mood ever since I told her about John's disappearance. She probably thinks there’s much more to the deal - not just kidnappers."

May's eyes widened as she tried to process the information. When she spoke, it was just like an echo of her original voice.

"Kels, you don't mean murder, do you? Little John, oh how perfectly ghastly!"

"No, on the contrary, I feel that he's quite ... safe."

"Don't ask her why, she doesn't know," supplied Ryan.

"And that's why we're investigating." Turning to Ryan, I asked," Steve said something about where he and Rachel are meeting us, didn't he?"

"Yep! At the Ambleway Crossing."

"I just don't know why, but I'm feeling terribly excited about this," whispered May - and I couldn't agree more!

"You're late! We've been waiting for almost half an hour now."

"Traffic! Race you to Pennybrook Alley. All ready?"

"Aye-aye, Captain!"

We swiftly rode down the road, each determined to win the race. May and I finished first, followed by Steve. Here, we slowed our pace and laughed and high-fived each other, nearing that spot where I'd fallen. With every fleeting second, I felt happier, pleasanter and more adventurous. My heart threatened to come out of its cage and almost into my hands, now. I looked sideways to find May and Ryan glancing at me and- suddenly, we were swept away! Not by wind, not by the rain, but by a blinding flash. I did not know whether we'd grown smaller, but just like a giant vacuum cleaner, the ground under our feet had sucked us into itself, like mere grains of dust. Everything happened all at once. I just shut my eyes tightly, frantically spreading my arms, hoping to grab May or Ryan's sleeve - to be pulled back into reality. But it never happened.


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