Chapter 3

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Hey everyone! Sorry for taking so long with this update. I hope you've all had a great week <3 Enjoy the new chapter :]

George woke up very sluggishly. After finding out Dream was a jock it felt like his whole mood was ruined. George rarely made friends on his own, Quackity and Karl became his friends because of Sapnap. So, it was exciting for him to meet someone that might become his friend all by himself.

But, his hopefulness dissipated last night while looking out at the field and seeing Dream. He knew he shouldn't judge him just because he's good at sports and competitive. He normally wouldn't consider cutting someone off because of what they enjoy doing in their pastime, but George has become weary of anyone who is into athletics. George owed it to himself to be cautious so he wouldn't get himself hurt again.

Thankfully for him, Sapnap, Quackity, and Karl weren't the least bit interested in playing sports. They occasionally watched them, but that didn't bother him.

While George dreadfully got out of bed to start the day, in another room across the building another boy was getting up for school with a completely different attitude.

Dream had woken up rather energetically. Originally he wasn't excited to attend a new school, he had several fights with his father over it. But, ultimately he had no say in it and was forced to go to Haven Point. He expected it to be like every other school, complete garbage.

But, there was something different here. There was a boy who intrigued him, George, and there was a boy that challenged him, Techno. None of his last schools actually had good competition, so it was a shock to Dream when he went against Techno.

He was looking forward to many more competitions with him. After their race they had agreed on a rematch, it was going to happen a bit after school today. He knew that he won the first one, but with Techno's skill he would have to try really hard to win again.

Dream decided to start to head to class now. He planned to focus in class and later visit George in that quiet place in the library before his rematch with Techno.

His classes passed by quicker than he expected. Probably because he was distracted the whole day with different thoughts occupying his mind. He hastily got out of his seat prepared to go to the library, but changed direction and went towards one of his classmates instead.

"Hey wait," Dream called out to the boy that sits next to him in class. "BadBoyHalo, right?" He asked as soon as he approached the other boy.

"Yeah, but you can call me Bad." Bad said kindly. They have only talked once and that consisted of Dream asking Bad what time it was because his phone had died. Safe to say they didn't really know each other. But, Dream did notice how kind and friendly he was, so he assumed if he needed to ask anyone a question he should ask Bad.

"I was wondering if you could tell me the last name of someone here. I'm still new here and don't really know anybody. I just wanted to know his last name for it to be easier to find him again, you know? " Dream paused while horribly explaining his inquiry and remembered he should probably describe George to give Bad information on who he was talking about. "His first name's George, kinda short, compared to me at least. He has brownish, black hair and brown eyes. And he likes to read." Dream explained hoping the other boy knew who he was talking about.

"Does he happen to be British because if not, that describes several people at this school?" Bad asked, trying to get a bit more intel before saying other students' names. Surprisingly there were lots of boys named George at this school. Having the same name was common, mainly why most of the boys went by nicknames they made up for themselves.

"Yeah, he does." Dream probably should've included that piece of information himself but just let it slide for now.

Bad's face formed a soft smile before he answered, he recognized the boy Dream was describing. "That's George Davidson. He's really nice, are you two friends?" Bad casually asked. Dream admired the fact that he didn't sound intrusive while asking that question, he sounded like he was actually invested in Dream's life.

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