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Ha Ra's POV


        Ahhhh I'm late. I went to my bathroom immediately. Today I have morning class and of course I also have a battle with Kris after school. I change into my uniform because today is monday so we must wear the university uniform. I grabbed my backpack and run to catch the bus. I saw a bus coming to my way. When I was about to get in the bus someone push me accidentally. I fell in the ground and thank to my bad luck, someone step on my ankle and it make my ankle twist. Now, how can I won the game with Kris? Aisshh.

Fast forward

-After School-

        Although my ankle hurt like hell I still went to court to have match with Kris. I wore my shoes and made my hair into ponytail and then warming up. After a few minutes Kris came.

        "Ready to become my slave?" He asked me

        "In your dream" I said

        We started our game. I won the first quarter but lose on the second quarter. I won again in third quarter but my ankle, ugh. Now was the fourth or the lst quarter. I try to made a point but suddenly I feel my ankle pounding. I fell and the worst thing is I lost.

        "So, now you are my slave" Kris said

        "Fine, now what do you want?"

Kris' POV

        I had a game with Ha Ra. It was a great game. She is so good at basketball. But something caught my attention, her ankle. Is her ankle hurt? I saw her when she run and it so weird. Don't say that her ankle was twisted. But why she still did the game? Wait, why I care to her? It's not she twisted her ankle because of me. A deal still become a deal and now she is my slave.

        "So, now you are my slave" I said

        "Fine, now what do you want?"

        "Anwer me first, what happened with your ankle?" I asked her

        "It' not your bussiness"

        "Answer. Me."

        "Aish, I fell when I was about get in to the bus" she said

        "Hmm, now your first task is pack your clothes. You move to my house" I said and her eyes widened

        "Pardon me?"

        "I need you 24 hours so you must stay with me for 1 month. Understand?"


        "No buts" I said she glare at me


        "Go ask your parents' permission by yourself and go to my house at 7 this is my address" I said and give her my address. I saw her gaze softened when I said about her parents' permission. Is there something wrong? She took the address and walk away

Ha Ra's POV

        "Go ask your parents' permission" that sentence made me remember my parents'. Whenever I remember them I can't hold my tears. I cry. I dont want to Kris see my tears so I just walk away after I took his address.

        There is it my live become Kris' slave start from now. I hope he doesn't do something bad and I hope I have so much strength.


A/N : Finally I can update again. But now Ha Ra become Kris's slave. Can Ha Ra do this? What happened to her parents? Just wait the next chapter okay. Thanks for keep reading and support this story. See you next chapter ~

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