At the bottom of the Hellmouth

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At the top of the Hellmouth, you can only really see a bright white light. Trust me, it's not like that at all down at the bottom. It's dark. Very dark. "Don't you warlocks have some spell or something that might light this place up?" I asked the fireteam leader, Aaran.
"Ask Ivory, she's a sunsinger. Unless you want purple explosions. I can do that." I didn't know much about any of the fireteam. As a lone wolf I like to stay out of other peoples way. One thing I did know about Aaran, though, was that he liked to blow things up. Apparently he found some C4 as a kid and used it to blow up a city war bunker. His reasoning was "Well it wasn't going to be much use anyway."

I went over to Ivory and asked. She seemed nice and knew a lot about her abilities. "I have a grenade that could provide temporary lighting, and my Heart of Praxic fire gives me two... So yeah. I guess I could make temporary lamps." She beamed.
"Go ahead!" I said with a hint of kindness in my voice. You aren't here to make friends I reminded myself. That was right. I was here to get loot and get out.
Ivory threw her grenade and then I saw them. About 2 dozen thrall and cursed thrall, headed our way.

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