To The Past - Chris Afton (part 1)

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Chris and Nightmare (human form) were in their room, playing Uno with Goldie (human form). Liz runs into the room, dragging Michael. "Chris!!!" She yells. "What?" He looks up at her. "Look what we found!!!" She holds up two little dice, that were glowing purple. "What even is that?" Nightmare asks. "Who cares! It looks cool!!" Goldie tells him, standing up and walking over. "Hey, Chris. I dare you to roll them." Michael grins. "Fine." Chris stands up and walks over. Liz hands the dice to him and he rolls them. Suddenly, he disappears in a flash of purple light. "CHRIS!!!" They all yell.

Chris appears in the middle of a road. He looks around and his eyes land on a house. There was nothing special about the house. Just a plain white house. But, he recognized it. It was the old Afton Family house. But....why was he here? He looks at the dice in his hand. He noticed something. There was a little opening with a piece of paper. He pulled it out and unfolded it. It read:

Hello, whoever reads this. If you roll these dice, you will get to venture to the past! It will last about 24 hours. Enjoy your stay!

Chris's POV
'What?!' I scream in my mind. I reread the note. The past. Michael.... I look back at the house. Okay. I can do this. I walk to the house.

I knock on the door. Mom- no. Past mom opens the door. "Hello, young one. Can I help you?" She asks, softly. "U-uhm....I'm lost..?" I lie. Even I think I don't sound convincing. "Ah, I see. Well, come in. I'll talk to my husband about letting you stay." She smiles and gestures for me to come in. I walk into the house and past mom pointed at the couch. "Have a seat, dear." She tells me. I walk over and sit on the couch. Past mom walks off.

"Who are you?!" Someone yells. I look up to see past Mike. "Hi, I'm Chr- Zane! I'm Zane." I lie. "Zane? Why are you here, Zane?" Past Mike pushes. "Uh-" "Michael Afton. Leave our guest alone!" Past mom scolds. 'Thank god.' I think. "Why is he here?" He asks. "He has nowhere to go. He's lost. And....?" She trails off, looking at me. "Sorry, I never got your name." She says. "I'm Zane." I smile. "Well, Zane, William said you could stay." "Thanks..."

"Kids! Come downstairs please!" Past mom calls up the stairs. "We have two more children. A little closer to your age as well." She looks at me. I smile and nod. That's when past me and past Liz come downstairs. "Mommy? You called?" Liz asks, looking at past mom. "Yes. We have a guest who will be staying here for a little." She points at me. "H-hi! I'm Chr- Zane. I'm Zane." I smile, nervously. Past me looks really tired. The nightmares. Although, he seems excited. "Hey! I'm Elizabeth. Just call me Liz or Ellie. This is Chris!" Past Liz says. "Hi..." past me adds. "Hey. So, what do you guys do for fun?" I ask. Liz grins. "Follow." Is all she said before walking away. Me and past me follow her. She takes us to a room with a lot of clothes. Uh oh. "We're gonna play......Dress Up!!!" Noooooo.

An hour. We. Played. For. An. Hour. She put makeup, wigs, dresses, skirts, tank tops, and more. Why me? I hated this. ;-;

"So, where are you from?" Liz asks, after we cleaned up. I open my mouth to speak but was interrupted. "BOO!!" "AAAAAH!!!" Past Mike scares past me and past Liz. I sigh. "It's rude to scare people, ya know." I tell him. "How did you not get scared?!" He shouts. "Cause I didn't..?" I say. "H-how?" Past me asks. "I'm used to it I guess." I say, shrugging. They all look at me like I'm insane. "Hey....I just realized- why do you have wings and a halo?" Liz asks. 'Shoot!' "Uh- cosplay?" I lie. I hate lying. "Oh. Cool!" She smiles. "Tch. Bye losers. Bye Crybaby~" he says, smirking at past me. I roll my eyes. "W-why i-is he so m-mean to m-me?" Past me asks, starting to cry. "He loves you. He just has a funny way of showing it." I say. Liz and past me both stare at me. "I mean- I'm guessing..!" I quickly add. "Um...okay..?" Liz says.

"KIDS! DINNER!" Past mom calls. 'Saved.' I think as we head to the kitchen. Past mom, dad, and Mike were already there. "So, you're the kid that's staying here, huh?" Past dad asks. I nod. "Well, welcome the the Afton house." He says. I smile and take my seat. 'I wanna see Nightmare and Goldie.' I think as I take a bite of food. 'I can just go to past me's room tonight.' I take another bite.

Later that night, I sneak out of the guest room and start to make my way to past me's room. "What are you doing?" Someone says from behind me. I turn around. Michael. "Umm....I-I'm going to the....bathroom!" I lie, quickly. "Right... the bathroom's the other way." He says, arching an eyebrow. 'Crap..' I sigh. "I uh- I never got a tour! And I didn't know so I was just looking for it!" I lied again. 'So much lying. Man, why did I roll those dice?' I think, regretting my life choices. "Whatever." And he pushes past me, going straight past his room. He stops outside past me's room. "Get on, then!" He whisper shouts. I quickly head down the hallway and stop outside of the bathroom. I open the door and then go inside. Remembering one of the powers I got from my time in Golden Freddy, I quickly turn myself invisible and go back out of the bathroom. I run all the way to past me's room. The door was cracked. I slowly sneak inside. Past me was playing unintentionally playing tug of war with one of the Freddles. The were fighting over his plush. I scan the room for Michael. I finally spot him by the closet. 'Why isn't he helping past me? And Nm. Foxy is gonna get him!' I think, anxiously. Suddenly, past me yelps. I turn around to find that he lost the fight. He sat on the floor, crying. I turn around once more, only to see that Michael isn't there. 'Where'd he go?!'

Hey guys! Ik I haven't updated in a while but I've been busy. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this! Part two of this will be out soon. :D

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