Chapter 2: The Traveler

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A few months later...

A traveler and survival expert named Greg came along and spoke to us. "Hey, guys. Need help with anything?" We looked at each other.

I said, "Not really." He started to walk away.
"Actually, we found a woodland mansion. Can you help us find our way through it? Do you know if there is any special loot in there?"

"Yeah, there's some pretty valuable loot in those mansions. You want me to show you?" Greg asked.
Matthew said, "That'd be great." Greg, Matthew, and I all went to the mansion. When we went in, Matthew and I followed Greg's lead.

"Hey, you guys want to know something?" Greg whispered. "The monsters here are greedy and hold onto their emeralds, the most valuable of all the ores. When you kill them, they drop their emeralds" We were looking around the mansion, when we looked into a room to our right. There was a chest in the room.

"There is likely treasure in that chest," Greg said.
We walked in there and as I reached to open it, an axe went flying right in front of my face and stuck into the wall. We looked over in the direction to where the axe had come from. There was an evoker standing there with a mean look on his face. He stared at us as he pulled out another axe that he was holding behind him. We all drew our swords and started charging towards him. As we all swung our swords at him, he did flips, ducked out of the way, and blocked our swords. We stopped attacking because we were tired and were missing anyway. He then through his his axe at me once again, missing because I ducked under it. Since he had thrown his axe, he was out weapons, so he ran.

"My turn," I said. I threw my sword after the evoker. My sword, spinning, flew through the air until it reached the evoker, piercing him in the back where his stomach was. I walked over to him and took my sword out the evoker's body, causing the evoker to die and go limp where he laid. We collected the stuff from the chest and moved on to the next room. The next room had a boxing ring in it. When we walked in there, there was an upper level. I walked into the boxing ring, when another axe came flying at my head.

I ducked, stood back up, and yelled, "Oh, come on! Why is it always me?"

An evoker was standing on the upper level glaring down. He flipped down into the boxing ring and pulled out two axes from behind his back.
"Oh, so we're doing this the weapon way? Fine with me," I said.

I pulled out my sword we started charging towards each other. We clashed in the center of the arena. I swung my sword at his head, and he ducked. He swung his axe at my head, and I ducked. He swung his other axe at my fett and I jumped. We clashed with our weapons again, this time the evoker overpowering me, knocking me over. I fell to the ground, and I caught myself with my one open hand and swept his legs. As he was on the ground, I did a backflip onto the ropes behind me and jumped high into the air, swinging my sword below me with the blade facing down. As I landed on the ground, I drove my sword through the evoker's chest. We headed up to the upper level and looked through the stuff in the chest and collected what we wanted. We left the mansion, after exploring the few rooms that were left, with items we found like diamond hoes, a diamond chestplate, a totem of undying, and other items.

A few hours later...

When we got back to our house, he gave us all the stuff he had collected.

"Hey, I have to go, see you around sometime," Greg said.

"Why don't you stay?" asked Matthew.

"Yeah, we have plenty of space and we have an extra bed. Come on, stay with us."

"Thanks, but I'd rather not. Brings back too many bad memories." Matthew and I looked at each other.

"Well, aren't those memories in the past?" Matthew asked.

"Yeah," Greg responded.

"Leave the bad memories in the past. Come make new memories with us." I told him.

"Actually, that's a great idea. I'll stay!" Greg said, enthusiastically, and right there, became a survival trio.

The Story of Legends (Book one) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora