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Our school is pretty much like any other, we have the cheerleaders, the jocks, the nerds, the drama geeks, the crazy fangirls/boys and any other stereotypical movie group you can think of, except for our special little touch. There are a couple werewolves. Well more than a couple... More like eighty.

My name is Katerina, my dad is the principal of Inuk Blue high school which causes a lot of trouble between the other packs that are at my school, they think because we are such a small pack we need to step down and give one of the bigger packs the authority, like Linx's pack he is one of my 'forbidden' friends just becase he is in another pack shouldn't mean I cant be his friend I guess they are just worried we might become more than friends, in our pack the law is the matcher (the wolf who choses who you are mated to) in other words the idiot who choses who you marry and shiz like that).
The matcher is usually the wolf who was with their chosen mate for a long time and there family is strong and is a great asset to the pack. And because I am 16 and got the pack mark tattooed onto my paw (or in human form my palm) the matcher is having a ceremony and announcing who I get to be with. Oh yay.

But anyways back to the other problem (wow so much drama) seriously why are they fighting over being principal, its not like it gives you the right to extra land to hunt on, or the choice of wolves to be in your pack. Sometimes I think about just running off with my friends to form a new pack but of course my 'awesome' dad would find some way to track me down with his 'magic' amulet. In my pack the alpha is given a special amulet that has been passed down and helps you focus your powers (enhanced smell, sight, hearing, speed and taste) because sometimes at the full moon in wolf form its a little hard to focus on anything but food (for me its usually deer) but I think its fake and just gives you a little confidence which im all for so it's ok. And if I bring it up my dad will probably shun me and only give me rabbit legs for dinner, ugh sometimes he can be such a buffalo.
He never has much time for me, but I just know I will find a way to impress him. Maybe.

Katerina's clawsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang