Chapter 5

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Brittany's POV

Today is the day we're going to ask Mr Schue if we can try out for the glee club and I'm excited because there is nothing I love more than dancing, I can sing too but dancing is my passion and in the glee club I get to do both everyday. Quinn and Santana are taking the lead on speaking to Mr Schue about joining because nobody ever takes me seriously.

"Hey, Schuester. My girls and I wants to try out for glee club." Santana demands.
"Why? You don't even like anyone in there. Sue is never going to agree to this." He questions.
"You do realise that Sue doesn't own us?" Quinn fires back.
"Listen I get it we don't like any of the losers in there but we all love music and want to join. And I thought you always said anyone that wants to join glee can? So why can't we." Santana pushes.
"I don't understand, if you think all of the glee kids are losers, why do you want to join?" He asks.
"She just told you. We love music, we don't have to love the people we're around to enjoy the music." Quinn cuts in.
"Mr Schuester, we just really want to join a club that we would actually enjoy. I love to dance and sing, Santana has an awesome voice but she stopped performing a long time ago so the only people that hear her voice is us. Quinn also loves to sing and dance, we're just like everyone else in the club. We may have the popularity but really that doesn't matter because we have struggles just like everyone else and nobody ever notices because we smile through them. Can we please just try out, you don't have to let us join but at least let us try out." I explain. I know they wanted to take the lead but they weren't getting us anywhere.
"The glee club need more people to join so that we are able to compete at sectionals, so let's see what you've got." Mr Schuester responds.
"Wait you want us to audition right now?" I respond.
"Yes. You do have something prepared don't you?" He replies.
"Oh please, we always have something prepared, we can do this number in our sleep." Santana responds.
"Let's go girls." Quinn adds.

The say a little prayer music starts to play and we instantly fall into sync with the music. Quinn sings the main vocals and Santana and I sing the back up harmonies, she sings the main vocals because she is a much better singer than and she has a lot more confident than Santana. Santana can sing like an angel but she hasn't sung for anyone other than our friends and family, one of the last times I truly saw her happy was during the family and friends gathering that we all had in memory of her parents two years after they passed and me, Santana, Sofia, Quinn, Bella and Kitty did that Michael Jackson performance. Her parents absolutely loved Michael so we felt it was the most fitting songs for to remember them. I really hope that she will cope with being in glee club and it isn't too hard for her to be back around both music and Rachel everyday.

Once the music is over, the three of us stand together, Santana holds my pinkie and Quinn stands slightly in front of us waiting for him to respond. Although he hasn't yet spoken, judging by the look on his face, we were awesome.
"Wow. That was actually really good, we would love to have you guys join the glee club! Can you be at the choir room for 3:30pm for your first glee club meeting." Mr Schue says.
"Yes. We will be there, Rachel Berry isn't going to know what hit her when we walk in." Santana laughs.
"In glee club we are a family and everyone is respected so that also means you need to respect Rachel." Mr Schue explains.
"That's never going to happen but I'm sure we can tolerate her for the time in the club." Quinn responds.
"We will be respectful of her. See you in the choir room this afternoon." I say, even if they don't intend on being nice to her, they could at least pretend that they do.

*10 minutes later*

After our we auditioned for Gleekfan , we are supposed to be going to English but we are skipping and instead we are going to sit under the bleachers with Finn and Puck. I don't really know why I'm going because it's just going be Santana making out with Puck and Quinn making out with Finn or questioning him about Rachel, probably both. I hate that Santana is dating Puck, that boy doesn't care one bit about her and to him she's just the 'hot Latina cheerleader' that will keep him popular, she deserves better. She doesn't realise that there are so many people that would be better for her, people who actually care about her and want her to actually feel real love.

Playing Mom and SisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora