I'm The Fourth Switcher

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The being gave me the ring which was in his possession and whispered to me to put it on and snap my finger. Although I had many questions, he assured me that I would receive answers shortly.Now make a snapping sound by thumping your finger against your thumb.In an instant, I found myself back in the real world, in the exact same room where everything I had experienced previously seemed surreal. I began to question whether it was just a dream until I noticed a golden ring now adorning my finger. This prompted me to wonder if this was a common occurrence after one passes on - if everyone goes through the same thing.Is it possible for me to reunite with my family? Did they also have the same options available to them?I felt overwhelmed by my own thoughts and desperately sought clarity to avoid losing my sanity.As the creature promised to provide the answers shortly, waiting seems to be the only feasible option left for me.I removed the ring from my finger and examined it intently to discern the inscription: "The fourth switcher."This could imply that there are multiple switchers, including myself as the fourth, but it remains unclear how many others exist.The fourth finger is the only one on which the ring fits, which suggests the purpose of it being labeled as the "fourth switcher", but it is unlikely that this is the only rationale behind the labeling.In an effort to temporarily escape my thoughts, I grabbed my coat and ventured out into the unforgiving world to observe whether or not anyone had erased my existence from their memory.I made my way toward Aria's home, hoping to hear her call out my name in excitement and wrap me in one of her trademark affectionate embraces. However, my expectations were quickly deflated as I neared her doorstep and witnessed her emerge hand in hand with another man whom she referred to as "babe". As she accidentally collided with me, she apologized before promptly departing with her companion.The agony of her not recognizing me surpassed any other pain I had experienced. I yearned to apologize for my past actions as a poor boyfriend, despite my genuine love for her. She consistently prioritized my happiness above her own and remained steadfastly supportive, while I failed to reciprocate.

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