Chapter 2

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i was walking back from hogs meade where i had walked around for a while being lonely when drako came up to me and began yelling. "get away filthy mudblood" he yelled

i whimpered and cowered in his presence "i'm so-o-o-o-o sor-r-r-r-r-ry drako i didn't mean to upset you with my presence"

he spat in my face, making my knees go weak. i licked my lips where he had spit, because what else was i supposed to do?

drako rolled his eyes. "you are so stupid" he said as he punched me in the face, making my tiny body fly backwards into a wall.

i cried at the fact that he would never love me, and ran after him

Time skip: three hours later

drako backed me against a wall and began kissing me, and our tongues fought for dominance as our mouths opened against each other. he gasped and called me a "filthy mudblood" again and i sighed in happiness

a/n. they are so cute omg❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ i want their relationship🥰😘😍

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