roses have thorns

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When you feel like you're sad but there's no reason to be

When the whole world collapses but you're still forced to breathe

Like paper planes in the sky
You're made to fly but then you fall

Does anyone even care about you at all?

The days you want to cry but your eyes are dry
The days you feel so sad and you think about what you could've had
The days you feel like there's no one there

You're drowning but you're still breathing
You're dead but life's still moving
At least, life gave you a rose but roses have thorns
And you don't have feelings anymore, cause the world's long gone

All for what? Just waiting to hear your death song?

"Behind joy and laughter there may be a temperament, coarse, hard and callous. But behind sorrow there is always sorrow. Pain, unlike pleasure, wears no mask. For this reason there is no truth comparable to sorrow. There may be times when sorrow seems to be the only truth. Other things may be illusions of the eye or the appetite, made to blind the one and cloy the other, but out of sorrow have the worlds been built, and at the birth of a child or a star there is pain."

-Oscar Wilde

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