Chapter 6: Decisions

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A/N: I have another book- My Anthology. It is full of poems and short stories about my life. All non-fiction. It is deep and dark but its my mind so.. if you are interested please read it.

Thanks, Keze_7

My mom looks at my face as she sits down. "Mia, what happened to you?" Seth looks me in the eyes and I nod.

"Mrs. Evans, Mia is getting abused." He says it so easily. My mom's face twists into an angry look. "Mrs. Evans, Mia's father did this."

"What?" My mom looks angrier. Seth picks up his phone and does something.

"Here. Look at the pictures and at the end there is a video." I look at Seth as my mom scrolls. She gets to the video a little bit later and I hear it.

"Get your ass to class. I will tell your mother you couldn't miss class due to too many absences." My fathers voice yelled at me. All I can think is how he got so close to video that.

"Mia, is this... Is this true?" My mom looks at me in disbelief and anger.

"It's been happening since the end of the summer," I whisper. My mom gets up and hugs me.

"Mia, oh my god. We need to get to the hospital. I don't even know what to do."

Seth steps in and says, "My mom is a nurse, she can help Mia. We have extra rooms at my house. Mia has been coming over for help. You guys can stay as long as you need." My mom shakes her head.

"Mia will go. I will handle everything. Hopefully without killing him. Mia, you are coming home with me right now and we are going to take care of this. Seth, can you call your mom and come with us?" I look over at Seth and he nods.

He hands his phone to my mom once again and she walks a little distance away. "You okay."

I shake my head, "No. This won't work. I know it won't." I watch my mom pace and talk. "He has money Seth. He will make this problem disappear, or convince my mother I am insane."

Seth nods, "Maybe or maybe it will work." My mom approaches looking rattled.

"Okay we are going to swing by the house, Mia you need to pack a bag with everything you will need for the next two weeks. Okay, Seth then you are going to help me find your place and I will drop you both off. Mia I can't stress this enough but do not contact your father at all." Seth and I nod and we go to the car. As we drive to my house, I try to come up with what to say.

"Mom, I am sorry." My mom shakes her head and assures me that it isn't on me. We pull up to our house and I get out and run inside. I pull out my two duffle bags and start putting clothes in them. I unlock my art studio and grab some art supplies. As I walk back into my closet Seth walks in.

"Can I come in?" I flash a thumbs up and he starts folding my clothes and putting them in the duffle bags. "Your mom said that I should help out. How are you?" I walk back out of my closet and start folding with him.

"I am confused. I know deep down that this may never work or it will just get more hurt." He stops folding and sits at the head of my bed, "Also you don't need to help, I got this." He smiles and we fold in silent.

"I am going to help whether or not you want it." He doesn't say what I thought he was going to say. I watch him out of the corner of my eye and he looks emotionless. I want to ask him what happened to him but I feel like that is pushing the limits.

"Hey kiddos, how's the packing going?" My mom says and I look up at her and nod.

"It's going good, almost done." She nods and looks at my wall.

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