Chapter 10: Next Steps Forward

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A/N: I am changing the writing ever so slightly. Sorry...


"I would say that I had a normal summer but I didn't. Many things happened that summer that changed how I was going to be for the rest of my life." I say looking out in the courtroom.

Back to present:

Sara and I are walking to the mall again. I guess we are going to her parents cabin by the lake... again. Truly, I just want to hang out with Seth but she has insisted that I can last a weekend without him. "Okay how about this one?"

"Sara you have a billion swimsuits at home must we shop?" She glares at me.

"Ever since you and Seth started dating you have been wanting to hang out with me less and less. Mia I am your bestfriend. Your sister. Come on, just try to act like you are suffering." I look at her and sigh.

"I am sorry I just am not in a shopping mood." She rolls her eyes.

"You never are." I sigh and sit down. I hate fighting with Sara, and lately we are fighting more and more. After a few more swimsuits and silence she looks at me, "I am sorry." I nod.

"I know." She takes one of the many swimsuits she looked at and buys it. "Sara, can we go get ice cream?" She looks at me, smiling big and nods her head.

"Hell yea." As we walk to the ice cream parlor Sara hands me her bag. "Can you hold this for one sec, I want to go talk to that guy across the street, I know him." I give her a look as she runs, not so carefully across the street and talks to the guy. I sit on the curb and pull my phone out. I start to message Seth as I hear Sara come back. "Okay, ice cream here we come!"

I get up and we start walking. After a few blocks we start to cross the street. "Sara be careful." I hear tires screech and I look up and see her laying on the ground. "Oh my god. Sara? SARA?" I run out into the street as the car that hit her drives away. I catch a slight look at the driver and turn towards Sara. I dial 911 and then do CPR like the phone operator tells me.

"Is she breathing?"

"No. Sara!? Wake up." I start to panic as the ambulance arrives and picks her up. They pull me into the back and ask me questions.

"What is her name?"


"Sara what?" I don't anwser and just stare at her. It dawns on me who hit her.

"I am going to kill him," I mutter and the nurses look at me.

"Mia, we need you to tell us what happened." I don't say anything but instead start crying.

"I was the target. Goddamn it." They try to calm me down but they fail. We pull into the hospital and she is taken in. I see my mom run up and I see her look on her face.


"He probably thought she was me, mom. It was dad. Dad hit her. Dad." I fall into her arms and she catches me.

"Mia, your father is out of town."

"No, it was him mom. It was him." She lets me go and sits me down on the sidewalk.

"Mia, Sara's parents were called. You should call James and tell him." I call James and tell him but I don't feel the motions. My mom talks to Sara's parents as they show up and I walk out of the hospital. I look up at the top of the building. I look around and stare at the street.

"If I would have just hung out with her. If I wasn't distracted by Seth. What was I thinking? I am a terrible human." I whisper and pace in front of the building. I watch people drive by and think about just walking out. Joining her. "If she dies it is all my fault." I take a step towards the street and watch people drive by acting like everything was okay. I silently sob and hear my name called. I turn around and see Seth.

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