Chapter Three

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Severus Snape had informed Dumbledore of his sixth sense with Quirrell, just in case. The Headmaster was such a clever man, with a very well guarded mind, that Snape could not tell what he thought of the allegation. He knew better than to think he was being disregarded, even as Dumbledore drew patterns in a shallow sandbox on his desk.

This man had a coolness to him that the Dark Lord had rarely maintained, and he took his time to approach situations. Smartly. And privately, Snape believed if the Dark Lord was marginally more like Dumbledore, he would've been too successful.

His Lord's impatience was the only thing that ever belied his relative youth.

"I may be irritated with the man and that may make me more prone to think badly, as it always does." Snape admitted. "However it remains that his behaviour is arousing my suspicions. Never have I made it secret that Quirinus irritates me, even when he held the Muggle Studies position. Now he incessantly- but also subtly- seems to seek my company despite it. A new development. There are no reasons I can fathom, Dumbledore."

"Of course Severus, I suppose it would be wise to remain alert. If anything shifts in a manner that you find troublesome, do tell." The Headmaster stopped drawing shapes in the sandbox, folding his hands neatly in front of him. "But as I recall, you mentioned another issue at hand?"

"Harry Potter," Snape said quickly, as if he couldn't remove the name from his mouth quick enough.

"You don't say," he lightly raised an eyebrow. "I've heard nothing but good about all the first years- although Neville Longbottom really does seem prone to melting things, and that Seamus Finnigan has a nasty knack for fire."

"He's been acting abnormally as well. I believe he is planning something, or has done something worth investigating."

The Headmaster regarded him without a word.

Snape shifted in his seat and continued. "I don't know precisely- "


"I don't know what he's planning," he stressed. "But it's certainly something. He watches me when he thinks I'm not looking and he looks inordinately guilty whenever I am near. It's suspicious."

Dumbledore tried to suppress a smile. "I don't know many who can withstand your impressive glare without baleful misery, Severus. Your ability to terrify and subdue the students is renowned, as you approach them all with a guilty verdict."

"A stance that only does good."

"For who?" The Headmaster said mildly. "But no matter. You must not be so expectant, children are easily impressed upon. They, once given an expectation, will fulfill it."

"When that boy gets himself into another death defying scenario, Headmaster, I cannot always be there."

"Interesting point."

"He shows defiant attitude," Snape continued, bristling from the brush over of Potter's odd behaviour. "Boundless arrogance, disrespect, and thinks himself above the rules. If you think that not troublesome Dumbledore, I cannot help you."

"Personally I find him to be a reserved, quiet boy. That Ron Weasley does most of the talking." the Headmaster said. "In fact I feel confident in saying he does little to nothing to indicate anything of likes you have implied. The boy is eleven, Severus." He gave a stern look over his glasses. "Should I call the Aurors right now, or wait until the delinquent's twelfth birthday? Give him some time to stew?"

Embarrassment snuck up on the Potions Master. "Headmaster-"

"You are being obvious," the man interrupted. "You are a man of no insignificant intelligence, do not embarrass me by pretending otherwise. This is odd to bring to me, and completely out of your character."

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